- rec001@ucsd.edu
- (858) 822-7980
9500 Gilman Dr
EBU II 261
Mail Code: 0411
La Jolla , California 92093
Renkun Chen
Assistant Professor
- Research Interests
- Biography
- Publications
- Research Group
Research Interests
- Thermal energy transport, conversion, storage, and management across different length scales
- Developing nanostructured materials and devices for thermal to electrical energy conversion
- Studying fundamental transport physics of charge and heat carriers (electrons, phonons and photons) at micro and nano scale
- Developing materials and systems for aplications in solar-thermal energy conversion, thermal energy storage, and thermal management
Prof. Renkun Chen joined the UCSD faculty in November 2009. Chen received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the UC, Berkeley, where his research in Prof. Arun Majumdar group (now at Stanford) was focused on nanoscale thermal energy conversion. Subsequently, Chen continued working as a post-doctoral fellow at Berkeley, where he investigated nanoscale phonon transport physics.
Please visit the website or click here to view publications.
Research Group
Postdoctoral Researcher
Name: Dr. Chulmin Choi (Edward)
E-mail: cnchoi@ucsd.edu
Graduate Students
Name: Chin-Hung Isaac Liu
E-mail: chl261@ucsd.edu
Name: Chad Dong Won Chun
E-mail: dochun@ucsd.edu
Name: Elizabeth Caldwell
E-mail: ebcaldwe@eng.ucsd.edu
Name: Paul Duyoung Choi
E-mail: dychoi@ucsd.edu
Name: Young-Jin Kim
E-mail: yjk019@ucsd.edu
Name: Calvin Garder
E-mail: calvinjgardner@gmail.com
Name: Justin Taekyoung Kim
E-mail: tkkim@ucsd.edu