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Faculty Profiles


Prof. Eric Fullerton - Magnetic Films and Nanostructures

Prof. Vitaliy Lomakin - Patterned Media

Prof. Paul H. Siegel - Coding and Modulation

Prof. Frank Talke - Tribology and Mechanics


Dr. Fred Spada - Magnetic Media and Nanoscale Metrology

Dr. Hailong Wang - Magnetic thin film for memory applications

Dr. Sergio Montoya -

Research Affiliates

Prof. Prabhakar R. Bandaru - Nano-materials for magnetic, semiconductor, optical, and MEMS/NEMS devices

Prof. Raymond de Callafon - Dynamic Modeling and Servo Technology

Assoc. Prof. Renkun Chen - Materials and devices for thermal energy conversion, storage and management

Dr. Shane Cybart - Electric Field Controlled Magnetism Using Multiferroic and Magnetic Oxides

Prof. Massimiliano Di Ventra - Electronic and Transport Properties of Nanoscale Systems

Prof. Kai Liu - Nanostructured materials for nanomagnetism, spin-transport, and advanced energy explorations

Assoc Prof. Ping Liu - Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Applications

Assoc. Prof. Zhaowei Liu - Nanoscale Photonics, Nanostructured Materials, and Plasmonics

Adjt. Prof. Vlado A. Lubarda - Mechanics of Solids and Materials

Asst. Prof. Shirley Meng - Energy Storage and Conversion Materials

Prof. Lu Jeu Sham - Condensed Matter Theory

Asst. Prof. Oleg Shpyrko - Nanoscale Dynamics and Structure of Materials

Prof. Steven Swanson - Non-Volatile, Solid-State Memory

Prof. Dimitri Basov - Infrared Spectroscopy of Novel Electronic and Magnetic Materials

Prof. Shaya Fainman - Applied optics and photonics

Prof. Sunil Sinha - Condensed Matter Physics by X-ray and Neturon Scattering

Prof. Alexander Vardy - Coding for storage systems, including disk drives and flash memories

Assoc Prof. Oscar Vazquez Mena - Atomic Two-Dimensional Materials, Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Harvesting, Nanobiosensing and Micromedical Devices

Dr. Eitan Yaakobi - Information and Coding Theory With Applications to Non-Volatile Memories, Associative Memories, Data Storage and Retrieval, and Voting Theory

Former CMRR Research Members

Prof. Ami Berkowitz - Magnetic Materials & Devices

Prof. H. Neal Bertram - Recording Physics and Micromagnetics

Dr. Gordon Hughes - Storage Systems

Prof. Sungho Jin - Magnetic Materials Design and Fabrication

Prof. Sheldon Schultz - Metamaterials

Prof. Jack Keil Wolf - Signal Processing