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CMRR supports a program of leading-edge, interdisciplinary research, covering the broad range of scientific and engineering areas fundamental to information storage technology and systems. Contributing to these research activities are faculty, researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students affiliated with UCSD Engineering, Physics, Nanoengineering, and the School of Global Policy & Strategy. The latter studies the business aspects of the data storage industry, complementing our technology studies and houses the Information Storage Industry Center (ISIC).

Research Areas

The center supports five endowed professorial chairs. Research programs address fundamental problems in nanoscale storage technology, including:

  • recording physics and micromagnetics,
  • nano-patterned magnetic materials and structures,
  • mechanical interfaces and tribology,
  • servo control systems,
  • signal-processing techniques,
  • error-control coding.

Related projects explore storage mechanisms based upon novel nano-structures, optical holography, and spintronic materials.
System-level research topics include object-based storage paradigms, “intelligent” storage devices, and data security.