- pbandaru@ucsd.edu
- (858) 534-5325
- (858) 534-5698
9500 Gilman Dr
EBU II 258
Mail Code: 0411
La Jolla , California 92093
Professor, MAE
Prab Bandaru is presently a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department (MAE), at U.C. San Diego. He is an Affiliate Professor of the Center for Memory and Recording Research (CMRR) department. Professor Bandaru is also affiliated to the Electrical Engineering (ECE) and the Nanoengineering (Nano) departments at UCSD. His research group is mainly interested in topics related to electrochemical energy storage, control of thermal energy, and fluid flow at the nanoscale. The basis of the underlying investigations is materials physics and chemistry, invoking the electrical, optical, and thermal properties of materials at the mesoscopic and microscopic levels. The group investigates various applications which include information processing and storage and sensors.
Please visit the website or click here to view publications.
Name: Cihan Kuru
E-mail: ckuru@ucsd.edu
Name: Erick Martinez Loran
E-mail: erm013@eng.ucsd.edu
Name: Serdar Yavuz
E-mail: seyavuz@eng.ucsd.edu