Jack K. Wolf
CMRR Endowed Chair Professor, Department of ECE; In Memoriam (1935-2011)

- Obituaries
- Biography
- Publications
- Alumni
Jack Keil Wolf was born in Newark, New Jersey before almost anyone reading this page existed. His strange middle name was his mother's family name. After surviving high school in Newark (an experience which put him in good staid for later life) he did his undergraduate work at the University of Pennsylvania and received his graduate degrees from Princeton University. His first full time job was as a Lieutenant in the US Air Force where he learned how to read andwrite proposals. His entree into university teaching was as a part time Instructor at Syracuse University which offered graduate courses at the air base where he was stationed.
Jack has held full time faculty positions since leaving the Air Force, first at NYU, then at the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, then at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and finally at UCSD. At UCSD he holds a chair named for Stephen O. Rice who after his retirement from Bell Laboratories came to UCSD and continued to do research. Jack was the first faculty to be hired in the Center for Memory and Recording Research. Jack was also a part time employee of Qualcomm, Inc, a San Diego company that specializes in wireless communications.
At one point of his life Jack attempted to masquerade as a university administrator (as Chair of the ECE department at U MASS) but was soon discovered and unmasked.
Jack's research interests were in Information Theory, Coding Theory, Data Communications and Signal Processing for Recording.
Formal Biography
Dr. Jack Wolf received the B.S.E.E. degree from the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, in 1956, and the M.S.E., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, in 1957, 1958, and 1960, respectively. He was the Stephen O. Rice Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a member of the Center for Memory and Recording Research at the University of California-San Diego, La Jolla. He was a member of the Electrical Engineering Department at New York University from 1963 to 1965, and the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn from 1965 to 1973. He was Chairman of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, from 1973 to 1975, and he was Professor there from 1973 to 1984. Since 1984, he has been a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a member of the Center for Memory and Recording Research at the University of California-San Diego. He also held a part-time appointment at Qualcomm, Inc., San Diego. From 1971 to 1972, he was an NSF Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, and from 1979 to 1980, he held a Guggenheim Fellowship. His research interest was in signal processing for storage systems.
Dr. Wolf was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1993. He was the recipient of the 1990 E. H. Armstrong Achievement Award of the IEEE Communications Society and was co-recipient of the 1975 IEEE Information Theory Group Paper Award for the paper "Noiseless coding for correlated information sources" (co-authored with D. Slepian). He served on the Board of Governors of the IEEE Information Theory Group from 1970 to 1976 and from 1980 to 1986. Dr. Wolf was President of the IEEE Information Theory Group in 1974. He was International Chairman of Committee C of URSI from 1980 to 1983. He was the recipient of the 1998 IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award, "for fundamental contributions to multi-user communications and applications of coding theory to magnetic data storage devices." In May 2000, he received a UCSD Distinguished Teaching Award. In 2004 Professor Wolf received the IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal for "fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of information transmission and storage". In 2005 he was elected by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences as a Fellow, and in 2010 was elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences.
Refereed Journal Articles
1962 - 1970
- “On the statistical detection problem for multiple signals”, J. B. Thomas and J. K. Wolf, IRE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 8, No. 4, (1962), pp. 274-280. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On comparing N-ary systems”, J. K. Wolf, IRE Transactions on the Professional Group on Communications Systems, Vol. 10, No. 2, (1962), 216-217. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Error-locating codes - a new concept in error control”, J. K. Wolf and B. Elspas, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 9, No. 2, (1963), pp. 54-57. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On the application of some digital sequences to communication”, J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communication Systems, Vol. 11, No. 4, (1963), pp. 422-427. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Cumulative codes as variable redundancy codes”, J. K. Wolf,1964 IEEE International Convention Record, Part 5, (1964), pp. 66-72.
- “On an extended class of error-location codes”, J. K. Wolf, Information and Control, Vol. 8, (1965), pp. 163-169.
- “On codes derivable from the tensor product of check matrices”, J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 11, No. 2, (1965), pp. 281-284. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Effects of channel errors on delta modulation”, J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications Technology, Vol. 14, No. 1, (1966), pp. 2-7. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On the optimum sampling rate for discrete-time modeling of continuous-time systems”, A. Liff and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.11, No. 21, (1966), pp. 288-290. [PDF UCSD only]
Correction: [PDF UCSD only] - “Signal design for multiple carriers”, J. K. Wolf, 1966 IEEE International Communication Conference, Philadelphia, PA (1966), p. 178.
- “Modeling of delta modulation with FSK over a Tropo path”, R. McLaughlin and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference, Vol. 22, (1966), pp. 513-517.
- “A class of nonlinear error correcting codes”, K. Levitt and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 13, No. 2, (1967), pp. 335-336. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On the synthesis of two-dimensional arrays with desirable correlation properties”, D. Calabro and J. K. Wolf, Information and Control, Vol. 11, (1968), pp. 537-560.
- “Decoding of Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenhem codes and Prony’s method of curve fitting”, J. K. Wolf,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 13, No. 4, (1967), pp. 608. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On linear unequal error protection codes”, B. Masnick and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 13, No. 4, (1967), pp. 600-607. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Predicted performance of error-control techniques over real channels”, M. Muntner and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 14, No. 5, (1968), pp. 640-650. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Robust detection using extreme-value theory”, L. Milstein, D. L. Schilling, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 15, No. 3, (1969), pp. 370-375. [PDF UCSD only]
- “High speed binary data transmission over the additive band-limited, Gaussian channel”, L. Schiff and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 15, No. 2, (1969), pp. 287-295. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Binary communications over the Gaussian channel using feedback with peak energy constraint”, L. A. Shepp, J. K. Wolf, A. D. Wyner, and J. Ziv, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 15, No. 4, (1969), pp. 476-478. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Adding two information symbols to certain nonbinary BCH codes and some applications”, J. K. Wolf, Bell System Technology Journal, Vol. 48, No. 7, (1969), pp. 2405-2424.
- “Algebraic coding and digital redundancy”, J. K. Wolf, M. Shooman and R. Boorstyn, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. R-18, No. 3, (1969), pp. 91-107.
- “Nonbinary random error-correcting codes”, J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 16, No. 2, (1970), pp. 236-237. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Transmission of noisy information to a noisy receiver with minimum distortion”, J. K. Wolf and J. Ziv, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 16, No. 4, (1970), pp. 406-411. [PDF UCSD only]
- “The channel capacity of the postal channel”, J. K. Wolf, A. Wyner and J. Ziv, Information and Control, Vol. 16, No. 5, (1970), pp. 167-172.
- “Subsequences of pseudo random sequences”, S. Wainberg and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications Technology, Vol. 18, No. 5, (1970), pp. 606-612. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Burst distance and multiple burst correction”, J. Bridwell and J. K. Wolf, Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 49, No. 5, (1970), pp. 889-909.
1971 - 1980
- “Convergence to the rate distortion function for Gaussian sources”, B. Bunin and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 17, No. 1, (1971), pp. 65-70. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On channels and codes for the Lee metric”, J. C. Chiang and J. K. Wolf, Information and Control, Vol. 19 (1971), pp. 159-173.
- “On the use of channel introduced redundancy for error correction”, T. J. Klein and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications Technology, Vol. 19, No. 4 (1971), pp. 396-402. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Permutation codes for sources”, T. Berger, F. Jelinek, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 18, No. 1, (1972), pp. 160-169. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On the minimum distortion of block codes for a binary symmetric source”, A. Kerdock and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 18, No. 3, (1972), pp. 433-435. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Burst decoding of binary block codes on Q-ary output channels”, S. Wainberg and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 18, No. 5, (1972), pp. 694-696. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Algebraic decoding of block codes over a Q-ary input, Q-ary output channel, Q>q’”, S. Wainberg and J. K. Wolf, Information and Control, Vol. 22, No. 3, (1973), pp. 232-247.
- “Noiseless coding of correlated information sources”, D. Slepian and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 19, No. 4, (1973), pp. 471-480. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A survey of coding theory: 1967-1972”, J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 19, No. 4, (1973), pp. 381-389. Invited [PDFUCSD only]
- “A coding theorem for multiple access channels with correlated sources”, D. Slepian and J. K. Wolf, Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 52, No. 7, (1973), pp. 1037-1076.
- “The capacity region of a multiple-access discrete memoryless channel can increase with feedback”, N. T. Gaarder and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 21, No. 1, (1975), pp. 100-102. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Efficient maximum likelihood decoding of linear block codes using a trellis”, J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 24, No. 1, (1978), pp. 76-80. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Design of efficient coding and modulation for a Rayleigh fading channel”, J. F. Pieper, J. G. Proakis, R. R. Reed, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 24, No. 4, (1978), pp. 457-468. [PDF UCSD only]
- Book review of “Computer-Communication Network Design and Analysis” by Mischa Schwartz. Prentice-Hall Publishers, 1977, 372 pp. J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 24, No. 4, (1978), pp. 521-522. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Some very simple codes for the non-synchronized two-user multiple-access adder channel with binary inputs”, M. A. Deaett and J. K. Wolf,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 24, No. 5, (1978), pp. 635-636. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Permutation codes for the Gaussian broadcast channel with two receivers”, C. Heegard, H. E. dePedro, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 24, No. 5, (1978), pp. 569-578. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A shortened Viterbi decoding algorithm for terminated rate-1/N convolutional codes with hard decisions”, V. Gupta and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 25, No. 2, (1979), pp. 243-246. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On the statistical analysis of queue lengths and waiting times for statistical multiplexers with ARQ retransmission schemes”, D. Towsley and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communication Theory, Vol. 27, No. 4, (1979), pp. 693-702. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A simple derivation of the MacWilliams’ identity for linear codes”, S-C. Chang and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 26, No. 4, (1980), pp. 476-477. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Source coding for multiple descriptions”, J. K. Wolf, A. D. Wyner, and J. Ziv, Bell Systems Technical Journal, Vol. 59, No. 8, (1980), pp. 1417-1426.
1981 - 1990
- “On the T-user M-frequency noiseless multiple-access channel with and without intensity information”, S-C. Chang and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 27, No. 1, (1981), pp. 41-48.
- “On the probability of undetected error for linear block codes”, J. K. Wolf, A. M. Michelson, and A. H. Levesque, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 30, No. 2, (1982), pp. 317-324. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Redundancy, the discrete Fourier transform and impulse noise cancellation”, J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 31, No. 3, (1983), pp. 458-461. [ UCSD only]
- “Poor error correction codes are poor error detection codes”, R. Padovani and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 30, No. 1, (1984), pp. 110-111. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Statistical communications theory -- A worker’s view”, J. K. Wolf, IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue on 100 Years of Communication Progress,Vol. 22, (1984), pp. 121-122. Invited [PDF UCSD only]
- “Random multiple-access communications and group testing”, T. Berger, N. Mehravari, D. Towsley, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 32, No. 7, (1984), pp. 769-778. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Coding for a write-once memory”, J. K. Wolf, A. D. Wyner, J. Ziv, and J. Korner, AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, Vol. 63, No. 6, Part 2, (1984), pp. 1089-1112.
- “On adaptive tree poling algorithms”, D. Towsley and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 32, No. 12, (1984), pp. 1294-1298. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Born again group testing: multi-access communications”, J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Special Issue on Random-Access Communications, Vol. 31, No. 2, (1985), pp. 185-191. Invited [PDF UCSD only]
- “On the throughput of degenerate intersection and first-come first-served collision resolution algorithms”, S. Panwar, D. Towsley, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 31, No. 2, (1985), pp. 274-279. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On tail biting convolutional codes”, H. H. Ma and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 34, No. 2, (1986), pp. 104-111. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Coded phase/frequency modulation”, R. Padovani and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 34, No. 5, (1986), pp. 446-453. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Application of the Viterbi algorithm to the detection of compact spectrum”, C. A. French and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 22, No. 5, (1986), pp. 1200-1202. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Binary unequal error-protection block codes formed from convolutional codes by generalized tail biting”, H. H. Ma and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 32, No. 6, (1986), pp. 776-786. [PDF UCSD only], Correction: [PDF UCSD only]
- “Trellis coding for partial response channels”, J. K. Wolf and G. Ungerboeck, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 34, No. 8, (1986), pp. 765-773. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Rate 1/2 and 2/3 majority logic decodable binary burst error-correcting codes”, W. L. Zhang and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 36, No. 2, (February 1987), pp. 250-252. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On the performance evaluation of trellis codes”, E. Zehavi and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 33, No. 2, (March 1987), pp. 196-202. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Results involving (d,k) constrained M-ary codes”, C. French, G. S. Dixon, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 23, No. 5, (September 1987), pp. 3678-3680. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Combined error correction/modulation codes”, P. Lee and J. K. Wolf, INTERMAG, April 1987. Also, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 23, No. 5, (September 1987), pp. 3681-3683. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On saving decoder states for some trellis codes and partial response channels”, E. Zehavi and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 36, No. 2, (February 1988), pp. 222-224. [PDFUCSD only]
- “On runlength codes”, E. Zehavi and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 34, No. 1, (January 1988), pp. 45-54. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A class of binary burst error-correcting quasi-cyclic codes”, W. L. Zhang and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 34, No. 3, (May 1988), pp. 463-479. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Signaling with special run-length constraints for a digital recording channel”, C. A. French, J. K. Wolf, and G. S. Dixon, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 24, No. 3, (1988), pp. 2092-2097. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Bounds on the capacity of a peak power constrained Gaussian channel”, C. A. French and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 24, No. 5, (1988), pp. 2247-2262. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Optimal scheduling policies for a class of queues with customer deadlines to the beginning of service”, S. Panwar, D. Towsley, and J. K. Wolf, Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 35, No. 4, (1988), pp. 832-844. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Combined ECC/RLL codes”, Y. Lin and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 24, No. 6, (1988), pp. 2527-2529. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A generalized scheme for generating and detecting recording channel output waveforms with controlled pulse polarity”, C. A. French, A. D. Weathers, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 24, No. 6, (1988), pp. 2530-2532. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Finding the best set of K paths through a trellis with application to multi-target tracking”, J. K. Wolf, A. Viterbi, and G. Dixon, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 25, No. 2, (March 1989), pp. 287-295. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A pragmatic approach to trellis-coded modulation”, A. Viterbi, J. K. Wolf, E. Zehavi, and R. Padovani, IEEE Communications Magazine, (July 1989), pp. 11-19. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Results on ‘controlled polarity’ modulation and coding”, A. D. Weathers, C. A. French, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 25, No. 5, (September 1989), pp. 4090-4092. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Error detecting multiple block (d,k) codes”, L. Fredrickson and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 25, No. 5, (September 1989), pp. 4096-4098. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Comparison of estimators for frequency offset”, J. K. Wolf and J. W. Schwartz, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 38, No. 1, (January 1990), pp. 124-127. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On the diameter of a class of random graphs”, T. K. Philips, D. Towsley, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 36, No. 2, (March 1990), pp. 285-288. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Random-access systems with a time-varying channel”, K. K. Y. Ho, R. R. Rao, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 38, No. 9, (September 1990), pp. 1293-1297. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A systematic (12,8) code for correcting single errors and detecting adjacent errors”, J. Schwartz and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 39, No. 11, (November 1990), pp. 1403-1404. [PDF UCSD only]
1991 - 2000
- “New asymptotic bounds and improvements on the Lempel-Ziv data compression algorithm”, P. Bender and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Special Issue on Coding for Storage Devices, Vol. 37, No. 3, (May 1991), pp. 721-729. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A new rate 2/3 sliding block code for the (1,7) runlength constraint with the minimal number of encoder states”, A. D. Weathers and J. K. Wolf,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Special Issue on Coding for Storage Devices, Vol. 37, No. 3 (May 1991), pp. 908-913. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Nonlinear effects in high-density tape recording”, A. Armstrong, H. N. Bertram, R. Barndt, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 27, No. 5, (September 1991), pp. 4366-4376. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A maximum likelihood detector for nonlinear magnetic recording”, J. Fitzpatrick and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 27, No. 6, (November 1991), pp. 4816-4818. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Performance evaluation of a new coding scheme for the peak detecting magnetic recording channel”, A. Armstrong and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 27, No. 6, (November 1991), pp. 4804-4806. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A simple statistical model of partial erasure in thin film disk magnetic recording systems”, R. Brandt, A. J. Armstrong, H. N. Bertram, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 27, No. 6, (November 1991), pp. 4978-4980. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Biased run-length limited modulation”, A. D. Weathers and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 27, No. 6. (November 1991), pp. 4807-4809. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A survey of codes for partial response channels”, J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 27, No. 6, (November 1991), pp. 4585-4589. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Modulation and coding for information storage”, P. Siegel and J. K. Wolf,IEEE Commun. Magazine, Vol. 29, No. 12, (December 1991), pp. 68-86. Invited
- “Finite-state modulation codes for data storage”, B. H. Marcus, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 10, No. 1, (January 1992), pp. 5-37. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On the cutoff rate of a discrete memoryless channel with (d,k)-constrained input sequences”, S. Raghavan, J. K. Wolf, and L. B. Milstein, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 10, No. 1, (January 1992), pp. 233-241. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Experimental studies of nonlinearities in high density disk recording”, H. G. Lin, R. Barndt, H. N. Bertram, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 28, No. 5, (September 1992), pp. 3279-3281. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Theory of nonlinearities and pulse asymmetry in high density tape recording”, H. N. Bertram, A. Armstrong, J. K. Wolf, and I. Beardsley, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 28, No. 5, (September 1992), pp. 2701-2706. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Modeling and signal processing for the nonlinear thin film recording channel”, R. Barndt and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 28, No. 5, (September 1992), pp. 2710-2712. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A new class of two-dimensional RLL recording codes”, R. E. Swanson and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 28, No. 6, (November 1992), pp. 3407-3416, [PDF UCSD only]
- “Media selection for high density recording channels”, R. D. Barndt, A. J. Armstrong, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 29, No. 1, (January 1993),pp. 183-188. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On the performance evaluation of ISI channels”, S. A. Raghavan, J. K. Wolf, and L. B. Milstein, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 39, No. 3, (May 1993), pp. 957-965. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Nonuniformly spaced tapped-delay-line equalizers”, S. A. Raghavan, J. K. Wolf, L. B. Milstein, and L. C. Barbosa, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 41, No. 9, (September 1993), pp. 290-295. [PDFUCSD only]
- “Array heads for estimating track misregistration”, L. C. Barbosa, C. E. MacDonald, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 29, No. 6, (November 1993),pp. 4033-4035. [PDF UCSD only]
- “The single burst error detection performance of binary cyclic codes”, J. K. Wolf and D. Chun, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 42, No. 1, (January 1994), pp. 11-13. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Special hardware for computing the probability of undetected error for certain binary CRR codes and test results”, D. Chun and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 42, No. 10, (October 1994), pp. 2769-2772. [PDF UCSD only]
- “P2 codes: pragmatic trellis codes utilizing punctured convolutional codes”, J. K. Wolf and E. Zehavi, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 33, No. 2, (February 1995), pp. 94-99. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Finite truncation depth trellis codes for the dicode channel”, T. Mittelholzer, P. McEwen, S. Altekar, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 31, No. 6, (1995), pp. 3027-3029. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Experimental analysis of the effects of tape thickness on magnetic recording”, A. Friedmann, D. Wei, H. N. Bertram, R. Swanson, F. Jeffers, and J. K. Wolf, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 79, No. 8. (April 1996), pp. 5658-5660. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A sliding threshold detector for the ternary 1-D channel”, A. Friedmann and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 35, No. 5, (September 1996), pp. 3959-3961. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Trellis codes for (1,k) E2PR4 ML with squared distance 18”, P. A. McEwen and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 32, No. 5, (September 1996),pp. 3995-3997. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Applications of a new simulation model for media noise limited magnetic recording channels”, J. Caroselli and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 32, No. 5, (September 1996), pp. 3917-3919. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On the weight distribution of linear block codes formed from convolutional codes”, J. K. Wolf and A. J. Viterbi, IEEE Transactions on Communications, (Transactions Letters), Vol. 44, No. 9, (September 1996), pp. 1049-1051. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Error-event characterization on partial-response channels”, S. Altekar, M. Berggren, B. E. Moision, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 45, No. 1, (January 1999), pp. 241-247. [PDFUCSD only]
- “Distance spectra for PRML channels”, A. D. Weathers, S. A. Altekar, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 33, No. 5, (September 1997), pp. 2809-2811. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Improved detection for magnetic recording systems with media noise”, J. Caroselli, S. Altekar, P.McEwen, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 33, No. 5, (September 1997), pp. 2779-2781. [PDF UCSD only]
- “ECC performance of interleaved RS codes with burst errors”, J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 34, No. 1, (1998), pp. 75-79. [PDFUCSD only]
- “Improvements in detectors based upon colored noise”, S. A. Altekar and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 34, No. 1, (January 1998), pp. 94-97. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Simplified EPR4 detection”, A. Friedmann and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 34, No. 1, (January 1998), pp. 129-134. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Codes for digital recorders”, K. A. S. Immink, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 1948-1998 Special Commemorative Issue, Vol. 44, No. 6, (October 1998), pp. 2260-2299. Invited [PDF UCSD only]
- “Turbo decoding for partial response channels with colored noise”, T. Souvignier, A. Dati, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 35, No. 5, (September 1999), pp. 2322-2324. [PDF UCSD only]
- J “Implementation and analysis of nonlinear effects in the microtrack model”, . Goldberg and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 35, No. 5, (September 1999), pp. 2256-2258. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Offset invariance in maximum likelihood decoding for a class of partial response channels”, V. Dorfman and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Communications Letters Vol. 4, No. 7, (July 2000), pp. 229-230. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Turbo decoding for partial response channels”, T. V. Souvignier, M. Oberg, P. H. Siegel, R. E. Swanson, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 48, No. 8, (August 2000), pp. 1297-1308. [PDFUCSD only]
- “Turbo decoding for high-rate concatenated parity-check codes on PRML channels”, H. Sawaguchi and H. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 36, No. 5, (September 2000), pp. 2173-2175. [PDF UCSD only]
- “High code rate error correction code design for partial response systems”, J. Miller and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 36, No. 2, (March 2001), pp. 704-707. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Efficient coding schemes for the hard-square model”, R. M. Roth, P H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 47, No. 3, (March 2001), pp. 1166-1176. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Decision-feedback equalization via separating hyperplanes”, S. A. Altekar, A. E. Vityaev, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 49, No. 3, (March 2001), pp. 480-486.) [PDF UCSD only]
- “A concatenated coding technique for partial response channels”, H. Sawaguhi, S. Mita, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 37, No. 2, (March 2001), pp. 695-703. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A method for reducing the effects of thermal asperities”, V. Dorfman and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 19, No. 4, (April 2001), pp. 662-667. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Constrained sequences, crossword puzzles and Shannon”, J. K. Wolf, IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter, Vol. 51, No. 3, (2001), pp. 4-7. Invited. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Joint message-passing decoding of LDPC codes and partial-response channels”, B. M. Kurkoski, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 48, No. 3, (June 2002), pp. 1410-1422. Invited [PDF UCSD only]
- “Viterbi detection for partial response channels with colored noise”, V. Dorfman and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 38, No. 5, (September 2002), pp. 2316-2318. [PDF UCSD only]
- J. S. Goldberg and J. K. Wolf, “Timing recovery for magnetic recording using cross-correlation”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 38, No. 5, (September 2002), pp. 2289-2291. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Communicating via a processing broadcast satellite”, A. Wyner, J. K. Wolf, and F. M. M. Willems, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 48, No. 3, (June 2002), pp. 1243-1249, Invited [PDF UCSD only]
- R “Efficient coding for a two-dimensional runlength-limited constraint”, . M. Roth, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 47, No. 3, (March 2001), pp. 1166-1175. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Joint message-passing decoding of LDPC codes and partial-response channels”, B. M. Kurkoski, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 48, No. 6, (June 2002), pp. 1410-1422. [PDFUCSD only] (see “Correction”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 49, No. 8, (August 2003), pp. 2076-2076. Invited [PDF UCSD only]
- “Improved bit-stuffing bounds on two-dimensional constraints”, S. Halevy, C. Jiangxin, R. M. Roth, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 50, No. 5, (May 2004), pp. 824-838. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Postprocessing using a single-parity interleaved block code for a Viterbi detector”, V. Dorfman and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 40, No. 4, ( July 2004), pp. 3090-3092. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A fast microtrack simulator for high-density perpendicular recording”, M. N. Marrow, M. K. Cheng, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 40, No. 4, Part 2, (July 2004), pp. 3117-3119. [PDF UCSD only]
2005 -
- “An improvement to the bit stuffing algorithm”, S. Aviran, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 51, No. 8, (August 2005), pp. 2885-2891. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Block codes for the hard-square model”, I. Demirkan and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 51, No. 8, (August 2005), pp. 2836-2848. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Soft-output detector for partial-response channels using vector quantization”, B. Kurkoski, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 41, No. 10, (October 2005), pp. 2989-2991. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Noise-predictive turbo equalization for partial-response channels”, S. Aviran, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 41, No. 10, (October 2005),pp. 2959-2961. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Design curves and information-theoretic limits for perpendicular recording systems”, Z. Wu, P. H. Siegel, H. N. Bertram, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 43, No. 2, (February 2007), pp. 721-726. [PDFUCSD only]
- “Optimal parsing trees for run-length coding of biased data”, S. Aviran, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 54, No. 2, (February 2008), pp. 841-849. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A new read channel model for patterned media storage”, S. Karakulak, P. H. Siegel, J. K. Wolf, and H. N. Bertram, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 44, No. 1, (January 2008), pp. 193-197. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Mean-adjusted pattern-dependent noise prediction for perpendicular recording channels with nonlinear transition shift," Z. Wu, P. H. Siegel, J. K. Wolf, and H. N. Bertram, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 44, No. 11, (November 2008), pp. 3761-3764. [PDF UCSD only]
- I “Error event characterization on 2-D ISI channels”, . Demirkan, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 55, No. 3, (March 2009), pp. 1146-1152. [PDF UCSD only]
- Z. Wu, P. H. Siegel, J. K. Wolf, and H. N. Bertram, “Analysis of nonlinear transition shift and write precompensation in perpendicular recording systems”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 28, No. 2, (February 2010), pp. 158-166. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A parametric study of inter-track interference in bit patterned media recording”, S. Karakulak, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 46, No. 3, (March 2010), pp. 819-824. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Joint-track equalization and detection for bit patterned media recording”, S. Karakulak, P. H. Siegel, J. K. Wolf, and H. N. Bertram, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 46, No. 9, (September 2010), pp. 3639-3647. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Storage coding for wear leveling in flash memories”, A. Jiang, R. Mateescu, E. Yaakobi, J. Bruck, P. H. Siegel, A. Vardy, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 46, No. 10, (October 2010), pp. 5290-5299. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Write channel model for bit-patterned media recording”, A. R. Iyengar, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 47, No. 1, (January 2011), pp. 35-45. [PDF UCSD only]
Books and Book Chapters
- J. K. Wolf. “The AEP property of random sequences and applications to information theory: Part I - Basic Principles, Part II - Single-User Communications, Part III - Multi-User Communication Channels”, Four chapters in Information Theory, New Trends and Open Problems. G. Longo, Ed. Wein: Springer-Verlag publishers, 1975.
- J. K. Wolf. “Multi-user communications networks”, in Communication Systems and Random Process Theory. J. K. Skwirzynski, Ed. The Netherlands: Sijthoff and Noordhoff Publishers, 1978, pp. 37-53.
- J. K. Wolf. “Coding techniques for multiple access communication channels”, in New Concepts of Multi-User Communication, J. K. Skwirzynski, Ed. The Netherlands: Sythoff and Noordhoff Publishers, 1981, pp. 83-103.
- J. K. Wolf. “Principles of group testing and an application of the design and analysis of multi-access protocols”, in The Impact of Processing Techniques on Communications. J. K. Skwirzynski, Ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1985.
- J. K. Wolf, “The Chinese remainder theorem and applications”, in Communications and Networks. Blake and Poor, Eds. Springer Verlag Publishers, 1986, pp. 390-405.
- J. K. Wolf. “Modulation and coding for the magnetic recording channel”, in Performance Limits in Communications Theory and Practice. J. K. Skwirzynski, Ed. Kluwer Academic Press, 1988, pp. 353-367.
- J. K. Wolf. “Efficient circuits for multiplying in GF(2m) for certain values of m”, discrete nathematics, in A Collection of Contributions in Honour of Jack van Lint. P. J. Cameron and H. C. A. van Tilborg, Eds. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing Co. 1992, Vol. 106/107, pp. 497-502.
- J. K. Wolf. “Modulation and coding for digital magnetic recording systems”, in Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute “Magnetic Storage Systems Beyond 2000”. G. C. Hadjipanayis, Ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Vol. 41, pp. 505-517.
- K. A. Schouhamer Immink, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, “Codes for digital recorders”, reproduced in Information Theory: 50 Years of Discovery, S. W. McLaughlin and S. Verdu, Eds. IEEE Press, 1999. Invited
- J. K. Wolf, “An Information-Theoretic Approach to Bit-Stuffing for Network Protocols”, in DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 66, 2004, pp. 335-339.
- J. K. Wolf, “Source Coding for a Noiseless Broadcast Channel”, in Multiple Access Channels – Theory and Practice, Vol. 10 NATO Security through Science Series: Information and Communication Security. E. Biglieri and I. Gyorfi, Eds., IOS Press, April 2007, pp. 97-114.
Conference Proceedings:
- “The Demodulation of AM Signals in Noise”, J.B. Thomas, T.R. Williams, J. K. Wolf, and E. Wong, Proceedings of 1959 Convention on Military Electronics, pp. 138-141, (1959).
- “The Synthesis of Optimum Systems from Non-Ideal Components”, J. K. Wolf, T. R. Williams, and J. B. Thomas, AIEE Applications and Industry, pp. 149-152, (1961).
- “On the Recognition of Signal Patterns in Noise”, J. K. Wolf and J. B. Thomas, 1961 IRE Convention Record, Part 4, pp. 154-161, (1961).
- “Capacity of an Additive Gaussian Colored Noise Channel with Noiseless Feedback”, T. W. Eddy and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of Sixth Allerton Conference on Circuit and System Theory, IEEE, pp. 189-197, (October 1968).
- “Multiple-User Communications”, J. K. Wolf, 1973 National Telecommunications Conference Record, II, 28E/1-1, (1973).
- “Data Reduction for Multiple Correlated Sources”, J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of the Fifth Colloquium on Microwave Communications (Budapest), I, ST-24/287-295, (1974).
- “The Use of Constant Weight Block Codes for the Underwater Channel”, J. Pieper, R. Reed, J. Proakis, and J. K. Wolf, EASCON, Arlington, VA, (September 1977).
- “Concatenated Codes for Improved Performance with Applications to the Rayleigh Fading Channel”, J. F. Pieper, J. G. Proakis, R. R. Reed, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Ithaca, NY, (October 1977).
- “Improvements in Two Soft Decision Maximum Likelihood Decoding Algorithms for Linear Block Codes”, W. Stieritz and J. K. Wolf, NTC 1977 Conference Record. p. 26:7/1-6, (December 1977).
- “State of the Art of Error Control Techniques”, J. K. Wolf, AGARD Conference Proceedings, No. 239, Munich, Germany, June 1978.
- “The Waiting Time Distribution for Statistical Multiplexers with ARQ Retransmission Schemes”, D. Towsley and J. K. Wolf, 1978 International Conference on Communications, Toronto, Canada, June 1978.
- “On Discrete-Time Queuing Systems”, R. G. Kim, D. F. Towsley, and J. K. Wolf, 1979 International Conference on Communications, Part III, Boston, MA, June 1979.
- “On Adaptive Polling Techniques for Computer Communication Networks”, E. P. Gudjohnsen, D. Towsley, and J. K. Wolf, 1980 International Conference on Communications Record, Part I, pp. 13.3.1-13.2.5, Seattle, WA, June 1980.
- “On the Design of Spread Spectrum Communication Networks”, H. E. dePedro and J. K. Wolf, 1980 International Conference on Communications Record, Part I, pp. 15.1.1-15.1.3, Seattle, WA, June 1980.
- “Generalized Polling Algorithms for Distributed Systems”, J. K. Wolf, AGARD Conference Proceedings, no. 303, Roros, Norway, June 1981.
- “The Determination of the Probability of Undetected Error for Linear Binary Block Codes”, J. K. Wolf, A. M. Michelson, and A. H. Levesque, 1981 International Conference on Communications Record, vol. 3, pp. 65.1.1-65.1.5, Denver, CO. June 1981.
- “An Application of Group Testing to the Design of Multi-User Protocols”, D. Towsley and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, pp. 397-403, Allerton, IL, September 1981.
- “Redundancy and Discrete Fourier Transform”, J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of 1982 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, pp. 156-158, Princeton, NJ, March 1982.
- “Data Transmission Using Error Detection Codes”, R. Padovani and J. K. Wolf, Conference Record, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2, 626-631, 1982.
- “Analog Codes”, J. K. Wolf, International Conference on Communications, Conference Record, I, pp. 310-312, Boston, MA, June 1983.
- “The Detection and Estimation of a Single Impulse Using the Discrete Fourier Transformer”, J. K. Wolf and T. K. Philips, Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Signal Processing, Nice, France, May 1983. [PDF]
- “A Multi-Access Protocol for Public Address Networks with Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum Signaling”, M. Ritz, E. A. Geraniotis, and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of 1985 Conference on Information and Sciences and Systems, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 1985.
- “Application of Code Combining to a Selective Repeat ARQ Link”, D. Chase, P. Muellers, and J. K. Wolf, 1985 IEEE Military Communications Conference, pp. 11.6.1-11.6.6, October 20-23, 1985.
- “On (d,k) Modulation Codes”, J. K. Wolf, P. Lee and E. Zehavi, Proceedings of 1986 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton University, March 1986.
- “On Optical Scheduling Policies for Queues with Customer Deadlines”, S. S. Panwar, D. Towsley and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of the ORSA/TIMS Conference on Queuing Networks, January 1987.
- “A Robust Collision Resolution Algorithm for the Random Access System with a Noisy Channel”, K. Ho, R. Rao, and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM ‘87, April 1987.
- “Collision Resolution Algorithms for a Time-Constrained Multi-Access Channel”, S. Panwar, D. Towsley, J. K. Wolf and Y. Armoni, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Sept./Oct. 1987.
- “Trellis Decoding and Applications to Multi-Target Tracking”, J. K. Wolf, A. M. Viterbi, and G. S. Dixon, Proceedings of the SPIE’s O-E/LASE ‘88 International Society of Optical Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, January 1988.
- “Discrete Memoryless Channels with Run-Length Constrained Inputs”, C. French and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of 1988 Beijing International Workshop on Information Theory, pp. DII-4.1-4.4, July 1988.
- “An Exact Evaluation of the Probability of Undetected Error for Certain Shortened Binary CRC Codes”, J. K. Wolf and R. Blakeney, 1988 IEEE Military Communications Conference, San Diego, CA, October 1988, Vol.1, pp. 287 - 292 [PDF UCSD only]
- “Trellis-Codes MPSK Modulation for Highly Efficient Military Satellite Applications”, A. Viterbi, J. K. Wolf, and E. Zehavi, 1988 IEEE Military Communications Conference, San Diego, CA, October 1988, Vol. 2, pp. 647 - 651 [PDF UCSD only]
- “Communicating Via a Processing Broadcast Satellite”, F. M. J. Williams, J. K. Wolf, and A. D. Wyner, Information Theory Workshop at Cornell, The 1989 IEEE/CAM, pp. 3-1, [PDF UCSD only]
- “Cut-off Rate of a Discrete Memoryless Channel with (d,k) Constrained Input Sequences”, S. Raghavan, J. K. Wolf, and L. Milstein, Twenty-Third Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1989, pp. 476 - 480 [PDF UCSD only]
- “Coding Using Multiple Block (d,k) Codes”, L. J. Fredrickson and J. K. Wolf, IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1989. ICC '89, BOSTONICC/89, Vol.3 , pp. 1623 - 1627 [PDF UCSD only].
- “Digital Magnetic Recording Systems”, J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors, pp. 210-213, Cambridge, MA, Sept. 1990.
- “Permutation Codes (d,k) Codes and Magnetic Recording”, J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE Colloquium in South America, pp. 59-61, September 1990; and in Communication, Control and Signal Processing, edited by E. Ankan. Elsevier Science Publishers, Vol. 1, pp. 301-311, 1990.
- “An Improved Sliding Window Data Compression Algorithm Based on the Lempel-Ziv Data Compression Algorithm”, P. E. Bender and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Record, pp. 1771-1777, 1990. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Coded Partial Response Signaling with Peak Detection”, A. Armstrong and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Record, Vol. 3, pp. 1782-1786, December 1990. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On the Power of Non-Uniformly Spaced Equalizers”, S. Raghavan, J. K. Wolf, and L. Milstein, Proceedings of 24th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, November 1990, pp. 696 [PDF UCSD only]
- “An Improvement to the Lempel-Ziv Data Compression Algorithm”, P. Bender and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, p. 106, June 1991. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On Timing Jitter and Channel Capacity of Hard-Limiting Channels”, C.P.J.M. Batten and J. K.Wolf, Proceedings of 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, p. 308, June 1991. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Producing Soft-Decision Information at the Output of a Class IV Partial Response Viterbi Detector”, K. Knudson, J. K. Wolf, and L. Milstein, Proceedings of ICC ‘91, Vol.2, pp. 820 - 824, June 1991. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Coding for Partial Response Channels”, J. K. Wolf, Digest of the Magnetic Recording Conference, pp. F-1, June 1991.
- “Timing Jitter: Coding Theorems and Spectral”, C.P.M.J. Baggen and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, F.M.J. Willems and Tj.J. Tjalkens, eds., The Netherlands, pp. 1-8, May 1991.
- “New Equalizer Targets for Sampled Magnetic Recording Systems”, J. Fitzpatrick, J. K. Wolf, and L. Barbosa, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, IEEE Comm. Society, pp. 30-34, November 1991. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Dynamic Threshold Implementation of the Maximum-Likelihood Detector for the EPR4 Channel”, K. J. Knudson, J. K. Wolf, and L. Milstein, Proceedings of GLOBECOM ‘91, Vol.3, pp. 2135 - 2139, [PDF UCSD only]
- “Nonlinear Intersymbol Destruction versus Linear Intersymbol Interference on High Density Disk Drives”, R. D. Barndt and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of GLOBECOM ‘92, IEEE Communications Society IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, pp. 1072-1075, December, 1992. [PDFUCSD only]
- “Construction of High Rate Codes from an Infinite Memory Constraint Graph”, J. Fitzpatrick and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of ICC ‘92, pp. 1355-1360, June 1992. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Models for Digital Magnetic Recording Systems and Their Implications to Signal Detection”, J. K. Wolf, Proceeding of ISSSE’92, pp. 789-794, September 1992, Paris, France.
- “On the Influence of Timing Jitter on the Capacity of Hard-Limiting Channels”, C.P.M.J. Baggen and J. K. Wolf, Proceeding of ISSSE’92, pp. 799-802, September 1992, Paris, France.
- “Estimation of Tracking Errors Using Array Heads”, L. C. Barbosa, C. E. MacDonald, and J. K. Wolf, Conferenc Record of the 26th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, IEEE Communications Society, pp. 950-955, Vol. 2, October 1992. [PDF UCSD only]
- “CMOS Implementation of a Viterbi Detector for Hard Disk Drives”, P. A. Ziperovich and J. K. Wolf, 1993 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference Proceedings. IEEE, pp.10.3.1-10.3.4. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A Concatenated Decoding Scheme for (1-D) Partial Response with Matched Spectral-Null Coding”, K. Knudson, J. K. Wolf, and L. B. Milstein, IEEE Communications Society; Proceedings of GLOBECOM’93, pp. 1960-1964, 1993. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Partial Response Class I Signaling Applied to High Density Magnetic Recording”, J. Fitzpatrick and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Communications Society; Proceedings of GLOBECOM’93, pp. 1950-1954, 1993. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On Band-Limited Additive Gaussian Noise Channels in the Presence of Sampling Jitter”, C.P.M.J. Baggen and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux, pp. 54-61, May 17-18, 1993, Veldhoven, The Netherlands.
- “Magnetic Recording as a Communications Channel”, J. K. Wolf, Proceedings 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, p. 5, 1993. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A Difference Metric Implementation for Maximum-Likelihood Sequence Estimation of Binary Input Intersymbol Interference Channels”, K. K. Fitzpatrick, L. B. Milstein, and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Communications Society, Proceedings of GLOBECOM’95, Vol.2 pp. 860 - 864. [PDF UCSD only].
- “A New Model for Media Noise in Thin Film Magnetic Recording Media”, J. Caroselli and J. K. Wolf, SPIE, Vol. 2605, pp. 29-39, 1995. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On Band-Limited Additive Gaussian Noise Channels in the Presence of Sampling Jitter”, C.P.M.J. Baggen and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of 1996 Information Theory Workshop, Israel, June 1996.
- “On the Performance of Random Error Correcting Block Codes over a Burst Noise Channel”, J. K. Wolf, Proceedings IEEE ROC & C’96 International Telecommunications Symposium, Acapulco, Mexico, October 1996.
- “High Rate Punctured Trellis Codes”, D. Stranton and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings Sixth Annual Wireless Symposium, Santa Clara, CA, pp. 87-94, 1998.
- “Bit Stuffing Bounds on the Capacity of 2-Dimensional Constrained Arrays”, P. Siegel and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings 1998 International Symposium on Information Theory, MIT, p. 323, (August 1998.) [PDFUCSD only]
- “Convolutional Coding for Parallel Decision Feedback Equalization”, T. Souvignier, J. K. Wolf, and. P. McEwen, IEEE Communications Society, GLOBECOM’98 Conference Record, Vol. 5, pp. 2712-2717, (November 1998). [PDF UCSD only]
- “Error Event Characterization in Partial Response Systems in Magnetic Recording Systems with Medium Noise”, J. Caroselli and J. K. Wolf, IEEE Communications Society, GLOBECOM ‘98 Conference Record, Vol. 5, pp. 2724-2779, (November 1998). [PDF UCSD only]
- “On Two-Dimensional Arrays and Crossword Puzzles”, J. K.Wolf and P. Siegel, Proceedings 36th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, pp. 366-371, September 1999.
- “Turbo Decoding for PR4: Parallel versus Serial Concatenation”, T. Souvignier, A. Friedmann, M. Öberg, P. H. Siegel, R. E. Swanson, and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings, International Conference on Communications, (Vancouver, Canada, June 1999), pp. 1638-1642. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Turbo Decoding for Partial Response Channels with Media Noise”, T. Souvignier, J. Caroselli, A. Dati, and J. K. Wolf, GLOBECOM Proceedings.pp. 739-743. December 1999. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Efficient Coding for a Two-Dimensional Runlength-Limited Constraint”, R. M. Roth, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, GLOBECOM Proceedings, July 1999.
- “Iterative Decoding for Concatenated Error Correction Coding in PRML Channels”, H. Sawaguchi, S. Mita, and J. K. Wolf, GLOBECOM Proceedings. Vol. 1b, pp. 749 - 754, December 1999. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Message-Passing Decoders and their Application to Storage Systems”, B. M. Kurkoski, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Cairns, Australia, September 2001, pp. 12-13. Invited [PDFUCSD only]
- “On the Parallel MAP Algorithm”, R. Akella and J. K. Wolf, Poster presented at Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, October 3-5, 2001, Cannes, France. pp. 371-376. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Improved Bit-Stuffing Bounds on Two-Dimensional Constraints”, S. Halevy, J. Cheng, R. M. Roth, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings, ISIT 2002, Switzerland, p. 385, July 2002. [PDF UCSD only]
- “An Information Theoretic Approach to Bit Stuffing for Network Protocols”, J. K. Wolf, Proceedings, Third Asian-European Workshop on Information Theory, Kahogawa, Japan, June 25-28, 2003, pp. 18-21.
- “Precoders for Message-Passing Detection of Partial-Response Channels”, B. M. Kurkoski, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, Proc. 2003 IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, Yokohama, Japan, June 29-July 4, 2003, pp. 46-46. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Exact Probability of Erasure and a Decoding Algorithm for Some Convolutional Codes on the Binary Erasure Channel”, B. M. Kurkoski, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, Proc. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, (Vol. 3), San Francisco, CA, December 1-5, 2003, pp. 1741-1745. [PDFUCSD only]
- “An Information Theoretic Approach to Bit Stuffing for Network Protocols”, J. K. Wolf, Proc. 3rd Asian-European Workshop on Information Theory, Kamogawa, Japan , June 25-28, 2003, pp. 18-20.
- “Data Compression and the World Wide Web”, J. K. Wolf, 5th Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications, Durban, South Africa, September 10-12, 2003, [PDF].
- “Source Coding for a Noiseless Broadcast Channel”, J. K. Wolf, Proc. 40th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, NJ, March 19, 2004, pp. 1414-1418.
- “Block Codes for the Hard-Square Model”, I. Demirkan and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings 2004 Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, June 2004, pp. 160-160. [PDF UCSD only]
- “An Improvement to the Bit Stuffing Algorithm”, S. Aviran, P. H. Siege, and J. K. Wolf, Proc. 2004 IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, Chicago, IL, June 27-July 2, 2004, pp. 191-191. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Analysis of Convolutional Codes on the Erasure Channel”, B. M. Kurkoski, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, Proc. 2004 IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, Chicago, IL, June 27-July 2, 2004, pp. 458-458. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Detection of 2-Dimensional Signals in the Presence of ISI and Noise”, M. Marrow and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings, International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications, Parma, Italy, October 10-13, 2004, pp. 891-894.
- “Vector Quantization of the BCJR Algorithm's State Metrics for Partial Response Channels”, B. M. Kurkoski, P. H. Siegel, and J. Wolf, Proc. 4th Asia-Europe Workshop on Information Theory Concepts, Viareggio, Italy, October 2004, pp. 27-30.
- “Two-Dimensional Bit-Stuffing Schemes with Multiple Transformers”, S. Aviran, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, Adelaide, Australia, September 4-9, 2005, pp. 1478-1482. [PDFUCSD only]
- “On achievable rates of multistage decoding on two-dimensional ISI channels”, J. B. Soriaga, P. H. Siegel, M. N. Marrow, and J. K. Wolf, Proc. 2005 IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, Adelaide, Australia, September 4-9, 2005, pp. 1348–1352. [PDF UCSD only]
- “On Coding for 2-D Storage Systems”, J. K. Wolf, Proceedings, 2006 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Punta del Este, Uruguay, March 13-17, 2006, pp. 146-149. [PDF UCSD only]
- “The Depth-First Algorithm for Designing 2-D Single-State Block Codes”, I. Demirkan and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’06), June 2006, pp. CT0605. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Error Event Characterization of 2-D ISI Channels”, I. Demirkan, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings 2006 IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theory, July 2006, pp. 1095-1099. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Optimal Parsing Trees for Run-Length Coding of Biased Data”, S. Aviran, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings 2006 IEEE Int. Symp. Inform. Theor, July 2006, pp. 1495-1499. [PDF UCSD only]
- “An Introduction to Tensor Product Codes and Applications to Digital Storage Systems”, J. K. Wolf, Proceedings 2006 Information Theory Workshop, Chengdu, China (October 2006), pp. 6-10. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A New Read Head Model for Patterned Media Storage”, S. Karakulak, P.H. Siegel, J.K. Wolf, and H.N. Bertram, The Magnetic Recording Conference (TMRC 2007), Minneapolis, MN, (May 21-23, 2007), Paper E3, (invited).
- “A message-passing solver for linear systems”, O. Shental, D. Bickson, P. H. Siegel, J. K. Wolf, and D. Dolev, 2008 Information Theory and Applications Workshop Conference, San Diego, CA, (January 27-February 1, 2008). [PDF UCSD only]
- “Equalization and detection for patterned media recording”, S. Karakulak, P. H. Siegel, J. K. Wolf, and H. N. Bertram, IEEE International Magnetics Conference 2008, Madrid, Spain, (May 4-8, 2008).
- “Mean-adjusted pattern-dependent Noise Prediction for Perpendicular Recording Channels with Nonlinear Transition Shift”, Z. Wu, P. H. Siegel, J. K. Wolf, and H. N. Bertram, IEEE International Magnetics Conference 2008, Madrid, Spain, (May 4-8, 2008). [PDF UCSD only]
- “Nonlinear transition shift and write precompensation in perpendicular magnetic recording”, Z. Wu, H. N. Bertram, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Communications, Beijing, China, (May 19-23, 2008), pp. 1972-1976. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Gaussian Belief Propagation Based Multiuser Detection”, D. Bickson, D. Dolev, O. Shental, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, ISIT 2008, Toronto, Canada, (July 2008), pp. 1878-1882. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Gaussian Belief Propagation Solver for Systems of Linear Equations”, O. Shental, P. H. Siegel, J. K. Wolf, D. Bickson, and D. Dolev, ISIT 2008, Toronto, Canada, (July 2008), pp. 1863-1867. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Multidimensional Flash Codes”, E. Yaakobi, A. Vardy, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, 46th Annual Allerton Conference, (September 2008), pp. 392-399. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Modifications to the Lagrange Interpolation Method of Decoding Reed Solomon Codes”, R. Gabrys and J. K. Wolf, 2008 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT). IEEE, Lao China, (October 2008), pp. 459-63. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Signal Processing for Digital Recording on Patterned Media”, J. K. Wolf, 2nd International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Monastir, Tunisia, (November 2008), pp. 1-6. [PDF UCSD only]
- “Storage Coding for Wear Leveling in Flash Memories”, A. Jiang, R. Mateescu, E. Yaakobi, J. Bruck, P. H. Siegel, A. Vardy, and J. K. Wolf, ISIT 2009, Seoul, Korea, (June 2009), pp. 1229-1233. [PDF UCSD only]
- “A nearly optimal construction of flash codes”, H. Mahdavifar, P. H. Siegel, A. Vardy, J. K. Wolf, and E. Yaakobi, ISIT 2009, Seoul, Korea, (June 2009), pp. 1239-1243. [PDF UCSD only]
- “LDPC codes for the cascaded BSC-BAWGN channel”, A. R. Iyengar, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, (September 30 - October 2 2009). [PDF]
- “Characterizing Flash Memory : Anomalies, Observations, and Applications”, L. Grupp, A. Caulfield, J. Coburn, S. Swanson, E. Yaakobi, P. H. Siegel, and J.K. Wolf, MICRO 09, (December 2009). [PDF]
- “Windowed Erasure Decoding of LDPC Convolutional Codes”, M. Papaleo, A.R. Iyengar, P.H. Siegel, J.K. Wolf, and G.E. Corazza, Proceedings of the Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 78-82, (January 6-8, 2010). [PDF]
- “Protograph-based LDPC Convolutional Codes for Correlated Erasure Channels”, A. R. Iyengar, M. Papaleo, G. Liva, P. H. Siegel, J. K. Wolf, and G. E. Corazza, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Cape Town, South Africa, (May 23-27, 2010). [PDF]
- “Multiple Error-Correcting WOM-Codes”, E. Yaakobi, P. H. Siegel, A. Vardy, and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Austin, TX, USA, (June 13-18, 2010). [PDF]
- “Data-dependent Write Channel Model for Magnetic Recording”, A. R. Iyengar, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Austin, TX, USA, (June 13-18, 2010). [PDF]
- “Write Channel Model for Bit-Patterned Media Recording”, A. R. Iyengar, P. H. Siegel, and J. K. Wolf, 21st Magnetic Recording Conference, La Jolla, CA, USA, (August 16-18, 2010).
- “On the Parallel Programming of Flash Memory Cells”, E. Yaakobi, A. Jiang, P. H. Siegel, A. Vardy, and J. K. Wolf, 2010 IEEE Information Thoeory Workshop - ITW 2010 Dublin, (August 30 - Sept. 3, 2010). [PDF]
- “Efficient Two-Write WOM-Codes”, E. Yaakobi, S. Kayser, P. H. Siegel, A. Vardy, and J. K. Wolf, 2010 IEEE Information Thoeory Workshop - ITW 2010 Dublin, (August 30- Sept. 3, 2010). [PDF ]
- “Latency Constrained Protograph-Based LDPC Convolutional Codes”, G. E. Corazza, A. R. Iyengar, M. Papaleo, P. H. Siegel, A. Vanelli-Coralli, and J. K. Wolf, 2010 6th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing, Brest, France, (September 6-10, 2010). [PDF]
- “Multiple-Write WOM-Codes”, S. Kayser, E. Yaakobi, P. H. Siegel, A. Vardy, and J. K. Wolf, Proc. 48th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, IL, (September 29 - October 1, 2010). [PDF]
- “Error characterization and coding schemes for flash memories”, E. Yaakobi, J. Ma, L. Grupp, P. H. Siegel, S. Swanson, and J. K. Wolf, Globecom 2010, Miami, FL, (December 2010). [PDF]
Abstracts of Non-Referred Conference Proceedings
- “Upper Bounding the Performance of ISI Channels”, S. A. Raghavan, J. K. Wolf and L. B. Milstein. (Abstract Only). Presented at IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, January 1993.
Patents (inventor or co-inventor)
- Method and Apparatus for Resolving Phase Ambiguities in Trellis Coded Modulated Data. United States Patent No. 5,233,630, J. K. Wolf, (April 3, 1993).
- Method and Apparatus for Encoding/Decoding QAM Trellis Coded Data. United States Patent No. 5,848,102, J. K. Wolf and E. Zehavi, (December 8, 1998).
- Adaptive Sectorization in a Spread Spectrum Communication System. United States Patent No. 5,621,752, F. Antonio, K. Gilhousen, J. K. Wolf, and E. Zehavi, (April 15, 1997).
- Trellis Encoded and Decoder Based Upon rate 1/2 Punctured Convolutional Codes. United States Patent No. 5,633,881, J. K. Wolf and E. Zehavi, (May 27, 1997).
- Multirate Serial Viterbi Decoder for Code Division Multiple Access System Applications. United States Patent No. 5,710,784, B. Butler, D. Kindred, J. K. Wolf, and E. Zehavi, (January 20, 1998).
- High Rate Trellis Coding and Decoding Methods and Apparatus. United States Patent No. 5,844,922, J. K. Wolf and E. Zehavi, (December 1, 1998).
- Method and Apparatus for Transmitting and Receiving Concatenated Code Data. United States Patent No. 5,983,383 J. K. Wolf, (November 9, 1999).
- Method and Apparatus for Providing Variable Rate Data in a Communications System Using Statistical Multiplexing. United States Patent No. 6,005,855, J. K. Wolf, (December 21, 1999).
- High Rate Trellis Coding and Decoding Methods and Apparatus. United States Patent No. 6,016,568, J. K. Wolf and E. Zehavi, (January 18, 2000).
- Method and Apparatus for Encoding/Decoding QAM Trellis Coded Data. United States Patent No. 6,118,826, J. K. Wolf and E. Zehavi, (September 12, 2000).
- Bit Interleaving for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing in the Transmission of Digital Signals. United States Patent No. 6,151,296, C. U. Lee, J. P. Odenwalder, J. Vijayan, J. K. Wolf, and E. Zehavi, (November 21, 2000).
- Bit Interleaving for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing in the Transmission of Digital Signals. United States Patent No. 6,282,168, C. U. Lee, J. P. Odenwalder, J. Vijayan, J. K. Wolf, and E. Zehavi, (August 28, 2001).
- Bit Interleaving for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing in the Transmission of Digital Signals. United States Patent Application No.2001/0030939J. Vijayan, J. P. Odenwalder, J. K. Wolf, C. U. Lee, and E. Zehavi, (October 18, 2001).
- Method andan Apparatus for Use of Codes in Multicast Transmission. United States Patent Application No. 2003/0007487, N. Sindhushayana and J. K. Wolf, (January 9, 2003).
- Method and System for Utilization of an Outer Decoder in a Broadcast Services Communication System. United States Patent Application No.2003/0035389, T. Chen, J. K. Wolf, J. P. Odenwalder, E. G. Tiedemann Jr., B. K. Butler, and Y. Wei, (February 20, 2003).
- Trellis Encoded and Decoder Based Upon rate 1/2 Punctured Convolutional Codes. United States Patent No. RE38,010 , J. K. Wolf and E. Zehavi, (February 25, 2003).
- Decoding Methods and Apparatus. United States Patent No. 6,542,559, J. K. Wolf, (April 1, 2003).
- Decoding Method and Apparatus. United States Patent Application No. 2003/0112886 , J. K. Wolf, (June 19, 2003).
- Bit Interleaving for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing in the Transmission of Digital Signals. United States Patent No. 6,717,908, J. P. Odenwalder, J. Vijayan, J. K. Wolf, and E. Zehavi, (April 2004).
- Decoding Method and Apparatus. United States Patent No. 6,836,516, J. K. Wolf, (December 28, 2004).
- Erasure-and Single-Error Correction Decoder for Linear Block Codes. United States Patent No. 6,986,092, B. Butler, R. Milne, and J. K. Wolf, (January 20, 2006).
- Low Duty Cycle Half-Duplex Mode Operation with Communication Device. United States Patent Application No.2006/0280198, C. U. Lee, A. R. Holeman. A. Mimran. J. K. Wolf, L. Sheynblat, R. Padovani, P. E. Bender, R. Rezaiifar, and S. K. Khazaka, (December 14, 2006).
- Turbo Decoding Method and Apparatus for Wireless Communications. United States Patent No.7,489,744 , N. Sindhushayana and J. K. Wolf, (February 10, 2009).
Student Name: Shirish A. Altekar
Dissertation: Detection and Coding Techniques for Magnetic Recording Channels [Abstract] [PDF UCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1997
Student Name: Alan J. Armstrong
Dissertation: Magnetic Recording: Coding and Characterization [Abstractonly]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: November 1991
Student Name: Sharon Aviran
Dissertation: Constrained Coding and Signal Processing for Data Storage Systems [Abstract] [PDF UCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: July 2006
Student Name: Constant Baggen
Dissertation: An Information Theoretic Approach to Timing Jitter [Abstract] [PDF UCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: January 1993
Student Name: Richard Barndt
Dissertation: Signal Processing and Channel Modeling for Magnetic Recording [Abstract only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1992
Student Name: Paul Bender
Dissertation: Redundancy Re-Organization for the Magnetic Channel [Abstract only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1992
Student Name: Joseph Caroselli
Dissertation: Modeling, Analysis, and Mitigation of Medium Noise in Thin Film Magnetic Recording Channels [Abstract] [PDF UCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1998
Student Name: Ismail Demirkan
Dissertation: Coding and Detection for 2-Dimensional Channels [Abstract] [PDF UCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: June 2006
Student Name: Glenn S. Dixon
Dissertation: Experimental Studies in Linearity and Write Equalization for Digital Magnetic Recording
Degree: M.S.
Year: 1987
Student Name: Vladimir Dorfman
Dissertation: Detection and Coding Techniques for Partial Response Channels [Abstract] [PDF UCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: December 2003
Student Name: James Fitzpatrick
Dissertation: Analysis of and Coding for Partial Response Magnetic Recording Systems [Abstract] [PDF UCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: September 1993
Student Name: Lyle Fredrickson
Dissertation: Coding for Magnetic Channels [Abstract only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: June 1989
Student Name: Catherine Anne French
Dissertation: Signal Processing for Digital Magnetic Recording Channels [Abstract only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: October 1987
Student Name: Arnon A. Friedmann
Dissertation: Measurements, Characterization, and System Design for Digital Storage [Abstract] [PDF UCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1997
Student Name: Jason S. Goldberg
Dissertation: Medium Noise Modeling, Spinstand Measurements, and Timing Recovery for Magnetic Recording [Abstract] [PDF UCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: June 2002
Student Name: Seyhan Karakulak
Dissertation: From Channel Modeling to Signal Processing for Bit-Patterned Media Recording.
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: April 2010
Student Name: Kelly Knudson
Dissertation: Detection and Error-Correction for Partial Response Channels [Abstract only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: February 1994
Student Name: Brian Kurkoski
Dissertation: Algorithms and Schedules for Turbo Equalization [Abstract] [PDFUCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: June 2004
Student Name: Patrick Lee
Dissertation: Combined Error-Correcting/Modulation Recording Codes [Abstract only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1988
Student Name: Yinyi Lin
Dissertation: Coding and Characterization for Digital Recording [Abstract only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1989
Student Name: Eric Macdonald
Dissertation: High Bit Rate Signal Processing Techniques and Characterization for Digital Storage Systems [Abstract only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1995
Student Name: Marcus Marrow
Dissertation: Detection and Modeling of Two-Dimensional Signals [Abstract] [PDF UCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: June 2004
Student Name: Peter McEwen
Dissertation: Trellis Coding for Partial Response Channels [Abstract] [PDFUCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1999
Student Name: John Miller
Dissertation: High Code Rate, Low-Density Parity-Check Codes with Guaranteed Minimum Distance and Stopping Weight [Abstract] [PDF UCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: May 2003
Student Name: Sreenivasa Raghavan
Dissertation: Modulation and Detection for Digital Magnetic Recording [Abstract only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1991
Student Name: Thomas Victor Souvignier
Dissertation: Turbo Decoding for Partial Response Channels [Abstract] [PDFUCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1999
Student Name: Joan Tang Waltman
Dissertation: Experimental for the Development of Sliding Block Encoders for Modulation Codes
Degree: M.S.
Year: 1987
Student Name: David E-Min Wang
Dissertation: A Digital Adaptive Filter for Class IV Partial Response
Degree: M.S.
Year: 1990
Student Name: Anthony Weathers
Dissertation: Modulation Techniques for Digital Magnetic Recording [Abstractonly]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 1990
Student Name: Zheng Wu
Dissertation: Channel Modeling, Signal Processing and Coding for Perpendicular Magnetic Recording [Abstract] [PDF UCSD only]
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: December 2008
Student Name: Pablo Ziperovich
Dissertation: VLSI Implementation of a Viterbi Detector for Hard Disk Drives
Degree: M.S.
Year: September 1992
Past Visiting Scholars
Hideki Sawaguchi
Past Visiting Students
Peter McEwen
Eiji Fujiwara
Eroza Kurtas
Rold Erstad
Angelo Dati
Oyvind Ytrehus
Halvard Martinseen
Agusto Rossi
Jay Schwartz
Paul Constant Baggen
Eirik Rosness
Alexandr Graell I Amat
Jacob Ziv
Marco Papaleo