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Eric E. Fullerton

CMRR Director, CMRR Endowed Chair Professor, Department of ECE & Department of Nanoengineering

Research Interests

Currently Professor Fullerton's research is partially funded by the National Science Foundation. Prof. Fullerton's research areas include:

  • Magnetic recording and nano-technologies
  • Thin film and superlattice growth
  • Interfacial and thin-film magnetism
  • X-ray and neutron scattering


Prof. Eric Fullerton is an Endowed Chair Professor at UC San Diego's Center for Memory and Recording Research (CMRR) and a professor in the department of electrical and computer engineering at UCSD's Jacobs School of Engineering. Before joining UCSD in January 2007, Dr. Fullerton was a senior manager and research scientist in the Fundamentals of Nano-Structured Materials Group at Hitachi Global Storage Technologies (formerly IBM Almaden Research Center). He is a fellow of the American Physical Society, and a past winner of the Exceptional Achievement Award at Argonne National Laboratory, the IBM Outstanding Achievement Award, and the IBM Fourth Plateau Invention Achievement Award. Dr. Fullerton earned his Ph.D. at UCSD in 1991.

Dr. Fullerton's expertise is in thin-film magnetic and nano-materials. He is an internationally acclaimed scholar in areas such as thin film and superlattice growth, magnetic recording and nano-technologies, and x-ray and neutron scattering. At IBM/Hitachi, Dr. Fullerton made fundamental advances in the development of high density magnetic recording media based on anti-ferromagnetically coupled ferromagnetic films. Early in his career, he developed a technique for mapping the structure of thin-film multi-layers from x-ray diffraction data that became the standard in the field.


1989 - 1995

  1. “Effect of high-energy ion irradiation on the elastic moduli of Ag/Co superlattices”, S.M. Hues, R. Bhadra, M. Grimsditch, E.E. Fullerton, and I.K. Schuller, Phys. Rev. B - Rapid Commun., Vol. 39, No. 17, (June 1989), pp. 12966-12968. [PDF UCSD only]
  2. “Reexamination of the surface plasma wave technique for determining the dielectric constant and thickness of metal films”, W.M. Robertson and E.E. Fullerton, J. Opt. Soc. Am., B, Vol. 6, No. 8, (August 1989), pp. 1584-1589. [PDF UCSD only]
  3. “Brillouin scattering from corrugated Ag films: Surface-plasmon-mediated enhancement and relaxed wave-vector conservation”, W.M. Robertson, M. Grimsditch, A.L. Moretti, R.G. Kaufman, G.R. Hulse, E.E. Fullerton, and I.K. Schuller, Phys Rev. B, Vol. 40, No. 6, (August 1989), pp. 4153-4156. [PDF UCSD only]
  4. “Mössbauer effect determination of chemical segregation in sputtered Co-Cr films”, F.T. Parker, H. Oesterreicher, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, No. 12, (December 1989), pp. 5988-6000. [PDF UCSD only]
  5. “Light scattering by surface acoustic waves on corrugated metal surfaces”, W.M. Robertson, M. Grimsditch, A.L. Moretti, R.G. Kaufman, G.R. Hulse, E.E. Fullerton, and I.K. Schuller, Phys Rev. B, Vol. 41, No. 8, (March 1990), pp. 4986-4992. [PDF UCSD only]
  6. E.E. “Structural and elasticproperty changes in Ag/Co superlattices induced by high energy ion irradiation”, Fullerton, I.K. Schuller, R. Bhadra, M. Grimsditch, and S.M. Hues, Mater. Science and Eng, A, Vol. 126, No. 1-2, (June 1990), pp.19-24. [PDF UCSD only]
  7. “Low angle x-ray diffraction of multilayered structures”, H. Vanderstraeten, D. Neerinck, K. Temst, Y. Bruynseraede, E.E. Fullerton, and I.K. Schuller, J. Appl. Cryst., Vol. 24, Pt. 5, (October 1991), pp. 571-575. [PDF UCSD only]
  8. “Evidence for the supermodulus effect and enhanced hardness in metallic superlattices”, A. Fartash, E.E. Fullerton, I.K. Schuller, S. Bobbin, R.C. Cammarata, and M. Grimsditch, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 44, No. 24, (December 1991), pp. 13760-13763. [PDF UCSD only]
  9. “Disorder and superconductivity in YBaCuO/GdBaCuO superlattices”, O. Nakamura, E.E. Fullerton, J. Guimpel, and I.K. Schuller, Physica C, Vol. 185-189, Pt. 3, (December 1991), pp. 2069-70. [PDF UCSD only]
  10. “High-Tc thin films with roughness smaller than one unit cell”, O. Nakamura, E.E. Fullerton, J. Guimpel, and I.K. Schuller, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 60, No. 1, (January 1992), pp. 120-122. [PDF UCSD only]
  11. “Connection between giant magnetoresistance and roughness in sputtered Fe/Cr superlattices”, D.M. Kelly, E.E. Fullerton, F.T. Parker, J. Guimpel, Y. Bruynseraede, and I.K. Schuller, Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 7, No. 1-3, Pt. 1, (January 1992), pp. 419-424.
  12. “Roughness and giant magnetoresistance in Fe/Cr multilayers”, E.E. Fullerton, D.M. Kelly, J. Guimpel, I.K. Schuller, and Y. Bruynseraede, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 68, No. 6, (February 1992), pp. 859-862. [PDF UCSD only]
  13. “Structural refinement of superlattices from x-ray diffraction”, E.E. Fullerton, I.K. Schuller, H. Vanderstraeten, and Y. Bruynseraede, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 45, No. 16, (April 1992), pp. 9292-9310. [PDF UCSD only]
  14. “Structure of high TC superlattices”, E.E. Fullerton, O. Nakamura, J. Guimpel, and I.K. Schuller, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 69, No. 19, (November 1992), pp. 2859-2862. [PDF UCSD only]
  15. “Non-oscillatory antiferromagnetic coupling in sputtered Fe/Si superlattices”, E.E. Fullerton, J.E. Mattson, S.R. Lee, C.H. Sowers, Y.Y. Huang, G. Felcher, S.D. Bader, and F.T. Parker, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 117, No.3, (December 1992), pp. L301-L306. [PDF UCSD only]
  16. “Oscillatory interlayer magnetic coupling of sputtered Fe/Nb superlattices”, J.E. Mattson, E.E. Fullerton, C.H. Sowers, Y.Y. Huang, G. Felcher, and S.D. Bader, J. Appl. Phys., Vol.73, No. 10, Pt. 2A, (May 1993), pp. 5969-5971. [PDF UCSD only]
  17. “Magnetic decoupling in sputtered Fe/Si multilayers and superlattices”, E.E. Fullerton, J.E. Mattson, S.R. Lee, C.H. Sowers, Y.Y. Huang, G. Felcher, S.D. Bader, and F.T. Parker, J. Appl. Phys., Vol.73, No. 10, Pt. 2B, (May 1993), pp. 6335-6337. [PDF UCSD only]
  18. “Breakdown of Possion's effect in Cu/Nb superlattices”, A. Fartash, M. Grimsditch, E.E. Fullerton, and I.K. Schuller, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 47, No. 19, (May 1993), pp. 12 813-12 819. [PDF UCSD only]
  19. “Relationship between structural phase transitions and elastic anomalies in metallic superlattices”, E.E. Fullerton, I.K. Schuller, F.T. Parker, K. Svinarich, G. Eesley, R. Bhadra, and M. Grimsditch, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 73, No. 11, (June 1993), pp. 7370-7375. [PDF UCSD only]
  20. “Quantitative characterization of epitaxial superlattices by x-ray diffraction and high-resolution electron microscopy”, E.E. Fullerton, W. Cao, M.J. Carey, I.K. Schuller, G. Thomas, and A.E. Berkowitz, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 63, No. 4, (July 1993), pp. 482-484. [PDF UCSD only]
  21. “X-ray diffraction characterization and sound velocity measurements of W/Ni multilayers”, E.E. Fullerton, S. Kumar, M. Grimsditch, D.M. Kelly, and I.K. Schuller, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 48, No. 4, (July 1993), pp. 2560-2567. [PDF UCSD only]
  22. “Photo-induced antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling in Fe/(Fe-Si) superlattices”, J.E. Mattson, S. Kumar, E.E. Fullerton, S.R. Lee, C.H. Sowers, M. Grimsditch, S.D. Bader, and F.T. Parker, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 71, No. 1, (July 1993), pp. 185-188. [PDF UCSD only]
  23. “Magnetic excitations in antiferromagnetically coupled superlattices: Fe/Mo and Fe/Cr”, M. Grimsditch, S. Kumar, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Phys. Condens. Matter., Vol. 5, No. 33A, (August 1993), pp. A369-372. [PDF UCSD only]
  24. “Interface structure in high TC superlattices”, J. Guimpel, E.E. Fullerton, O. Nakamura, and I.K. Schuller, J. Phys. Condens. Matter., Vol. 5, No. 33A, (August 1993), pp. A383-384. [PDF UCSD only]
  25. “150% magnetoresistance in sputtered Fe/Cr(100) superlattices”, E.E. Fullerton, M.J. Conover, J.E. Mattson, C.H. Sowers, and S.D. Bader, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 63, No. 12, (September 1993), pp. 1699-1701. [PDF UCSD only]
  26. “Oscillatory interlayer coupling and giant magnetoresistance in epitaxial Fe/Cr(211) and (100) superlattices”, E.E. Fullerton, M.J. Conover, J.E. Mattson, C.H. Sowers, and S.D. Bader, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 48, No. 21, (December 1993), pp. 15 755-15 763. [PDF UCSD only]
  27. “Interfacial roughness of sputtered superlattices: Nb/Si”, E.E. Fullerton, J. Pearson, C.H. Sowers, S.D. Bader, X.Z. Wu, and S.K. Sinha, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 48, No. 23, (December 1993), pp. 17 432-17 444. [PDF UCSD only]
  28. “Surface spin-flop transition in Fe/Cr(211) superlattices: experiment and theory”, R.W. Wang, D.L. Mills, E.E. Fullerton, J.E. Mattson, and S.D. Bader, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 72, No. 6, (February 1994), pp. 920-923. [PDF UCSD only]
  29. “Neutron-induced collision cascade mixing in Nb/V superlattices”, D.E. Alexander, E.E. Fullerton, P.M. Baldo, C.H. Sowers, and L.E. Rehn, Nuclear Inst. and Methods B, Vol. 90, No. 1-4, (May 1994), pp. 344-348. [PDF UCSD only]
  30. “Orientationally independent antiferromagnetic coupling in epitaxial Fe/Cr(211) and (100) superlattices”, E.E. Fullerton, M.J. Conover, J.E. Mattson, C.H. Sowers, and S.D. Bader, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 75, No. 10, Pt. 2B, (May 1994), pp. 6461-6463. [PDF UCSD only]
  31. “Photo-induced antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling in superlattices with iron silicide spacers (invited)”, J.E. Mattson, E.E. Fullerton, S. Kumar, S.R. Lee, C.H. Sowers, M. Grimsditch, S.D. Bader, and F.T. Parker, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 75, No. 10, Pt. 2A, (May 1994), pp. 6169-6173. [PDF UCSD only]
  32. “Epitaxial growth of bcc transition metal films and superlattices onto MgO(111), (011), and (001) substrates”, J.E. Mattson, E.E. Fullerton, C.H. Sowers, and S.D. Bader, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 13, No. 2, (March 1995), pp. 276-281. [PDF UCSD only]
  33. “Epitaxial growth of ultrathin MgO films on an Fe(001) seed layers”, Y. Park, E.E. Fullerton, and S.D. Bader, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 13, No. 2, (March 1995), pp. 301-304. [PDF UCSD only]
  34. “Structure and magnetism of epitaxially-strained Pd(001) films on Fe(001): Experiment and theory”, E.E. Fullerton, D. Stoeffler, K. Ounadjela, B. Heinrich, Z. Celinski, and J.A.C. Bland, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 51, No. 10, (March 1995), pp. 6364-6378. [PDF UCSD only]
  35. “Growth-induced uniaxial in-plane magnetic anisotropy for ultrathin Fe deposited on MgO(001) by oblique-incidence molecular beam epitaxy”, Y. Park, E.E. Fullerton, and S.D. Bader, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 66, No. 16, (April 1995), pp. 2140-2142. [PDF UCSD only]
  36. “Observation of pure nuclear diffraction from an Fe/Cr antiferromagnetic multilayer”, T. Toellner, W. Sturhalm, R. Röhlsberger, E.E. Alp, C.H. Sowers, and E.E. Fullerton, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 74, No. 17, (April 1995), pp. 3475-3478. [PDF UCSD only]
  37. “Enhanced magnetic moments in epitaxial bcc Fe/Ag(001) films overcoated with Ag, Au, Cu and Pd”, J.A.C. Bland, D. Daboo, B. Heinrich, Z. Celinski, E.E. Fullerton, K. Ounadjela, and D. Stoeffler, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 148, No. 1-2, (July 1995), pp. 85-87. [PDF UCSD only]
  38. “Suppression of biquadratic interlayer coupling in Fe/Cr(001) superlattices below the Néel transition of Cr”, E.E. Fullerton, K.T. Riggs, C.H. Sowers, S.D. Bader, and A. Berger, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 75, No. 2, (July 1995), pp. 330-333. [PDF UCSD only]
  39. “Determination of magnetic anisotropy in Fe/Cu multilayers: equivalence of dynamic and static measurements”, M.J. Pechan, E.E. Fullerton, W. Robertson, M. Grimsditch, and I.K. Schuller, Phys. Rev. B-Brief Reports, Vol. 52, No. 5, (August 1995), pp. 3045-3048. [PDF UCSD only]
  40. “A simple, closed-form expression for the x-ray reflectivity from multilayers with cumulative roughness”, D.M. Kelly, E.E. Fullerton, J. Santa-Maria, and I.K. Schuller, Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, Vol. 33, No. 10-11, (December 1995), pp. 1603-1608. [PDF UCSD only]
  41. “Interlayer magnetic coupling in epitaxial Fe/Cr(211) and (100) superlattices”, E.E. Fullerton, J.E. Mattson, C.H. Sowers, and S.D. Bader, Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, Vol. 33, No. 10, (December 1995), pp. 1637-1642. [PDF UCSD only]
  42. “X-ray Fraunhofer diffraction patterns from a thin-film waveguide”, Y.P. Feng, S.K. Sinha, E.E. Fullerton, G. Grübel, D. Abernathy, D.P. Siddons, and J.B. Hastings, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 67, No. 24, (December 1995), pp. 3647-3649. [PDF UCSD only]

1996 - 2000

  1. “Polarized neutron reflectivity confirmation of 90° magnetic structure in Fe/Cr(001) superlattices”, S. Adenwalla, G.P. Felcher, E.E. Fullerton and S.D. Bader, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 53, No. 5, (February 1996), pp. 2474-2480. [PDF UCSD only]
  2. “Magnons in antiferromagnetically coupled superlattices”, R.W. Wang, D.L. Mills, E.E. Fullerton, S. Kumar, and M. Grimsditch, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 53, No. 5, (February 1996), pp. 2627-2632. [PDF UCSD only]
  3. “Temperature-dependent biquadratic coupling in antiferromagnetically coupled Fe/FeSi multilayers”, E.E. Fullerton and S.D. Bader, Phys. Rev. B-Brief Reports, Vol. 53, No. 9, (March 1996), pp. 5112-5115. [PDF UCSD only]
  4. “Neutron diffraction and reflectivity studies of the Cr Néel transition in Fe/Cr(001) superlattices (invited)”, E.E. Fullerton, S. Adenwalla, G.P. Felcher, K.T. Riggs, C.H. Sowers, S.D. Bader, and J.L. Robertson, Physica B, Vol. 221, No. 1-4, (April 1996), pp. 370-376. [PDF UCSD only]
  5. “Resonant x-ray reflectivity study of Fe/Cr superlattices”, J. Bai, E.E. Fullerton, and P. Montano, Physica B, Vol. 221, No. 1-4, (April 1996), pp. 411-415. [PDF UCSD only]
  6. “Spin-density-wave antiferromagnetism of Cr in Fe/Cr(001) superlattices”, E.E. Fullerton, S.D. Bader, and J.L. Robertson, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 77, No. 7, (August 1996), pp. 1382-1385. [PDF UCSD only]
  7. “Brillouin light scattering study of Fe/Cr/Fe(211) and (100) trilayers”, M. Grimsditch, S. Kumar, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 54, No. 5, (August 1996), pp. 3385-3393. [PDF UCSD only]
  8. “Growth of oriented rare-earth-transition-metal thin films”, E.E. Fullerton, C.H. Sowers, X.Z. Wu, and S.D. Bader, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 32, No. 5, Pt. 2, (September 1996), pp. 4434-4436. [PDF UCSD only]
  9. “Magnetic properties of c-axis textured Nd2Fe14B thin films”, D.J. Keavney, E.E. Fullerton, J.E. Pearson, and S.D. Bader, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 32, No. 5, Pt. 2, (September 1996), pp. 4440-4442. [PDF UCSD only]
  10. “Magnetization studies of Ho/Y superlattices: Role of magnetoelastic coupling”, M.J. Conover, E.E. Fullerton, and S.D. Bader, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 54, No. 2, (July 1996), pp. 1100-1104. [PDF UCSD only]
  11. E.E. Fullerton, C.H. Sowers, J.P. Pearson, X.Z. Wu, D. Lederman, and S.D. Bader, “A general approach to the epitaxial growth of rare-earth-transition-metal films”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 69, No. 16, (October 1996), pp. 2438-2440. [PDF UCSD only]
  12. “Unusual vortex dynamics in Nb-?Si multilayers with strong interlayer coupling”, J.D. Hettinger, B.R. Washburn, N.B. Remmes, D.G. Steel, K.E. Gray, E.E. Fullerton, and C.H. Sowers, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 77, No. 26, (December 1996), pp. 5280-5283. [PDF UCSD only]
  13. “Phase diagram of imperfect ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers”, A. Berger and E.E. Fullerton, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 165, No. 1-3, (January 1997), pp. 471-474. [PDF UCSD only]
  14. “Perpendicular conductance and magnetic coupling in epitaxial Fe/MgO/Fe(100) trilayers”, D.J. Keavney, E.E. Fullerton, and S.D. Bader, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 2, (January 1997), pp. 795-798. [PDF UCSD only]
  15. “Temperature-dependent study of ion-channeling in Fe/Cr superlattices”, F. Rüders, L.E. Rehn, P.M. Baldo, E.E. Fullerton, and S.D. Bader, Nuclear Inst. and Methods B, Vol. 121, No. 1-4, (January 1997), pp. 30-35. [PDF UCSD only]
  16. “Magnetic anisotropy, coupling, and transport properties of epitaxial Co/Cr superlattices on MgO (100) and (110)”, J.J. Picconatto, M.J. Pechan, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 8, (April 1997), pp. 5058-5060. [PDF UCSD only]
  17. E.E. Fullerton, C.H. Sowers, J.P. Pearson, S.D. Bader, J.B. Patel, X.Z. Wu, and D. Lederman “Structure and magnetism of epitaxial rare-earth-transition-metal films”, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 8, (April 1997), pp. 5637-5639. [PDF UCSD only]
  18. “High-coercivity, c-axis oriented Nd2Fe14B films grown by molecularbeam”, D.J. Keavney, E.E. Fullerton, J.E. Pearson, and S.D. Bader, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 81, No. 8, (April 1997), pp. 4441-4443. [PDF UCSD only]
  19. “Spin-density-wave antiferromagnetism of Cr in Fe/Cr(001) superlattices (invited)”, E.E. Fullerton, S.D. Bader, and J.L. Robertson, Physica B, Vol. 237-238, (July 1997), pp. 234-238. [PDF UCSD only]
  20. “Exchange and anisotropy effects on spin waves in epitaxial Co films”, M. Grimsditch, E.E. Fullerton, and R.L. Stamps, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 56, No. 5, (August 1997), pp. 2617-2622. [PDF UCSD only]
  21. “Interplay between biquadratic coupling and the Néel transition in Fe/Cr94Fe6(001) superlattices”, E.E. Fullerton, C.H. Sowers, and S.D. Bader, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 56, No. 9, (September 1997), pp. 5468-5473. [PDF UCSD only]
  22. “High-coercivity, epitaxial Sm-Co films with uniaxial in-plane anisotropy”, E.E. Fullerton, J.S. Jiang, Ch. Rehm, C.H. Sowers, S.D. Bader, J.B. Patel, and X.Z. Wu, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 71, No.11, (September 1997), pp. 1579-1581. [PDF UCSD only]
  23. “Structure and magnetic properties of exchange-spring Sm-Co/Co superlattices”, E.E. Fullerton, J. Samuel Jiang, C.H. Sowers, J.E. Pearson, and S.D. Bader, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 72, No. 3, (January 1998), pp. 380-382. [PDF UCSD only]
  24. “Low frequency dynamic response and hysteresis in magnetic superlattices”, S. Rakhmanova, D.L. Mills, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 57, No. 1, (January 1998), pp. 476-484. [PDF UCSD only]
  25. “Infra-red spectra of giant magnetoresistance Fe/Cr/Cr trilayers”, S. Uran, M. Grimsditch, E.E. Fullerton, and S.D. Bader, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 57, No. 5, (February 1998), pp. 2705-2708. [PDF UCSD only]
  26. “Sources of interface magnetization and interface anisotropy in Fe/Cu multilayers as revealed by thermal behavior”, M.J. Pechan, E.E. Fullerton, and I.K. Schuller, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 183, No. 1-2, (March 1998), pp. 19-24. [PDF UCSD only]
  27. D.J. Keavney, E.E. Fullerton, D. Li, C.H. Sowers, S.D. Bader, K. Goodman, J.G. Tobin, and R. Carr “Enhanced Co orbital moments in Co-rare-earth permanent magnet films”, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 57, No. 9, (March 1998), pp. 5291-5297. [PDF UCSD only]
  28. “Exchange-spring behavior in epitaxial hard/soft magnetic bilayer films”, J.S. Jiang, E.E. Fullerton, M. Grimsditch, C.H. Sowers, and S.D. Bader, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 83, No. 11, (June 1998), pp. 6238-6240. [PDF UCSD only]
  29. “Depth-dependent diamagnetism of layered superconductors: Nb/Si”, S.M. Yusuf, E.E. Fullerton, R.M. Osgood, and G. Felcher, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 83, No. 11, (June 1998), pp. 6801-6803. [PDF UCSD only]
  30. “Magnetic anisotropy and its microsctructural origin in epitaxially grown SmCo thin films”, M. Benaissa, K.M. Krishnan, E.E. Fullerton, and J.S. Jiang, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 34, No. 4, Pt. 1, (July 1998), pp. 1204-1206. [PDF UCSD only]
  31. “Exchange-spring behavior in epitaxial hard/soft magnetic bilayers”, E.E. Fullerton, J.S. Jiang, M. Grimsditch, C.H. Sowers, and S.D. Bader, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 58, No. 18, (November 1998), pp. 12193-12200. [PDF UCSD only]
  32. “Magnetic profile in Nb/Si superconducting multilayers”, S.M. Yusuf, R.M. Osgood III, J.S. Jiang, C.H. Sowers, S.D. Bader, E.E. Fullerton, and G.P. Felcher, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 198-199, (June 1999), pp. 564-566. [PDF UCSD only]
  33. “Symmetry influence on interlayer coupling in epitaxial Co/Cr trilayers grown on MgO(100) and (110) substrates”, J.Z. Hilt, J.J. Picconatto, A. O'Brien, M. Pechan, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 198-199, (June 1999), pp. 387-390. [PDF UCSD only]
  34. “Exchange-spring systems: Coupling of hard and soft ferromagnets as measured by magnetization and Brillouin light scattering (invited)”, M. Grimsditch, R. Camley, E.E. Fullerton, J.S. Jiang, S.D. Bader, and C.H. Sowers, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 85, No. 8, (April 1999), pp. 5901-5904. [PDF UCSD only]
  35. “Spring magnet films (invited)”, J.S. Jiang, E.E. Fullerton, C.H. Sowers, A. Inomata, S.D. Bader, V.I. Nikitenko, and R.D. Schull, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 35, No. 5, Pt. 2, (September 1999), pp. 3229-3234. [PDF UCSD only]
  36. “Hard/soft magnetic heterostructures: Model exchange-spring magnets (invited)”, E.E. Fullerton, J.S. Jiang, and S.D. Bader, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 200, No. 1-3, (October 1999), pp. 392-404. [PDF UCSD only]
  37. “Epitaxial hard-soft magnetic heterostructures as model exchange-spring magnets”, J.S. Jiang, E.E. Fullerton, M. Grimsditch, C.H. Sowers, J. Pearson, and S.D. Bader, Philos. Mag. B, Vol. 80, No. 2, (February 2000), pp. 247-256. [PDF UCSD only]
  38. “Observation of antiferromagnetic domains in epitaxial LaFeO3 by means of x-ray magnetic linear dichroism spectromicroscopy”, A. Scholl, J. Stohr, J. Luening, J.-P. Locquet, J. Fompeyrine, J.W. Seo, H. Siegart, F. Nolting, S. Anders, E.E. Fullerton, M.R. Scheinfein, and H.A. Padmore, Science, Vol. 287, No. 5455, (February 2000), pp. 1014-1016. [PDF UCSD only]
  39. “Brillouin light scattering study of an exchange coupled asymmetric trilayer of Fe/Cr”, P. Vavassori, M. Grimsditch, E.E. Fullerton, L. Giovannini, R. Zivieri, and F. Nizzoli, Surf. Sci., Vol. 454-456, (May 2000), pp. 880-884. [PDF UCSD only]
  40. “Design tradeoffs for beyond 20 Gb/in2: Using a merged-notched head on advanced low-noise media”, M. Madison, T. Arnoldussen, M. Pinarbasi, M. Parker, M. Doerner, C.S. Bhatia, D. Call, J. Li, L. Dorius, K. Tang, L. Ingall, E. Lee, S. Yuan, R. Schwenker, J. Tabib, L. Lauchlan, J. Raniseski, R. Smith, W.-C. Hsiao, T. Lin, D. Mauri, E. Marinero, D.T. Margulies, K. Rubin, E.E. Fullerton, D. Weller, and A. Moser, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 87, No. 9, Pt. 1-3, (May 2000), pp. 4996-5000. [PDF UCSD only]
  41. “CoxCr1-x/Pt multilayers as perpendicular recording media”, K. Takano, G. Zeltzer, D. Weller, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 87, No. 9, Pt. 1-3, (May 2000), pp. 6364-6366. [PDF UCSD only]
  42. “Anisotropy determination in epitaxial Sm-Co/Fe exchange springs”, M.J. Pechan, N. Teng, J.-D. Stewart, J.Z. Hilt, E.E. Fullerton, J.S. Jiang, C.H. Sowers, and S.D. Bader, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 87, No. 9, Pt.1-3, (May 2000), pp. 6686-6688. [PDF UCSD only]
  43. “Direct observation of the alignment of ferromagnetic spins by antiferromagnetic spins”, F. Nolting, J. Stohr, A. Scholl, J.W. Seo, J. Fompeyrine, H. Siegart, J.-P. Locquet, S. Anders, J. Luening, E.E. Fullerton, M. Toney, M.R. Scheinfein, and H.A. Padmore, Nature, Vol. 405, No. 6788, (June 2000), pp. 767-769. [PDF UCSD only]
  44. “Writing and detecting bits at 100 Gbit/in2 in longitudinal magnetic recording media”, A. Moser, C.T. Rettner, M.E. Best, E.E. Fullerton, D. Weller, M. Parker, and M.F. Doerner, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 36, No. 5, Pt. 1, (September 2000), pp. 2137-2139. [PDF UCSD only] Correction IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 37, No. 4, Pt. 2, (July 2001), pp. 3078. [PDF UCSD only]
  45. “The switching behavior of Fe55Pt45/ Ni80Fe20 exchange-spring magnets studied by resonant soft x-ray magneto-optical Kerr effect”, O. Hellwig, J.B. Kortright, K. Takano, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 62, No. 17, (November 2000), pp. 11694-11698. [PDF UCSD only]
  46. “Antiferromagnetically-coupled magnetic media layers for thermally-stable high-density recording”, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, M. Schabes, M. Doerner, M. Carey, B. Gurney, A. Moser, M. Best, G. Zeltzer, K. Rubin, and H. Rosen, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 77, No. 23, (December 2000), pp. 3806-3808. [PDF UCSD only]

2001 - 2005

  1. “Biquadratic exchange coupling in an unequal Fe/Cr/Fe(100) trilayer”, P. Vavassori, M. Grimsditch and E.E. Fullerton, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 223, No. 3, (February 2001), pp. 284-292. [PDF UCSD only]
  2. “Coherent soft x-ray magnetic scattering (invited)”, B. Hu, P. Geissbuhler, L.B. Sorensen, S.D. Kevan, J.B. Kortright, and E.E. Fullerton, Synchrotron Radiation News, Vol. 14, No. 2, (March 2001), pp. 11-13. [PDF]
  3. “Demonstration of 35 Gbits/in2 using media on glass substrates”, M. Doerner, X. Bian, M. Madison, K. Tang, Q. Peng, A. Polcyn, T. Arnoldussen, M.F. Toney, M. Mirzamaani, K. Takano, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, M. Schabes, K. Rubin, M. Pinarbasi, S. Yuan, M. Parker, and D. Weller, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 37, No. 2, Pt. 2, (March 2001), pp. 1052-1058. [PDF UCSD only]
  4. “Dynamic coercivity measurements of antiferromagnetically coupled magnetic media layers”, J. Lohau, A. Moser, D.T. Margulies, E.E. Fullerton and M.E. Schabes, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 78, No. 18, (April 2001), pp. 2748-2750. [PDF UCSD only]
  5. “Antiferromagnetic structure of FePt3 films studied by neutron scattering”, S. Maat, O. Hellwig, G. Zeltzer, E.E. Fullerton, G. Mankey, M. L. Crow, and J.L. Robertson, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 63, No. 13, (April 2001), pp. 134426/1-8. [PDF UCSD only]
  6. “Preisach analysis of epitaxial hard/soft bilayers”, D.R. Cornejo, F.M. Rhen, F.P. Missell, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 226-230, Pt. 2, (May 2001), pp. 1251-1253. [PDF UCSD only]
  7. “FMR study of the crystalline anisotropy of [Fe(t)Cr(38 Å)]N superlattices grown on MgO(100) and (110)”, M. Teixeira, C.A. Ramos, A.A.R. Fernandes, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 226-230, Pt. 2, (May 2001), pp. 1788-1789. [PDF UCSD only]
  8. “Growth, structural, and magnetic properties of high coercivity Co/Pt multilayers”, D. Weller, L. Folks, M. Best, E.E. Fullerton, B.D. Terris, G.J. Kusinski, K.M. Krishnan, and G. Thomas, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 89, No. 11, Pt. 1-2, (June 2001), pp. 7525-7527. [PDF UCSD only]
  9. “X-ray magneto-optic Kerr effect studies of spring magnet heterostructures”, J.B. Kortright, S.-K. Kim, E.E. Fullerton, J.S. Jiang, and S.D. Bader, Nucl. Inst. and Methods. A, Vol. 467-468, Pt. 2, (July 2001), pp. 1396-1403. [PDF UCSD only]
  10. “Medium noise and grain size analysis of CoCrPt/Ti perpendicular media with NiAl seed layers”, Y. Ikeda, Y. Sonobe, G. Zeltzer, B.K. Yen, K. Takano, H. Do, E.E. Fullerton, and P. Rice, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 37, No. 4, Pt. 1, (July 2001), pp. 1583-1585. [PDF UCSD only]
  11. “Theory of antiferromagnetically coupled magnetic recording media”, M.E. Schabes, E.E. Fullerton, and D.T. Margulies, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 37, No. 4, Pt. 1, (July 2001), pp. 1432-1434. [PDF UCSD only]
  12. “Compositionally controlled FePt nanoparticle materials (invited)”, S. Sun, E.E. Fullerton, D. Weller, and C.B. Murray, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 37, No. 4, Pt. 1, (July 2001), pp. 1239-1243. [PDF UCSD only]
  13. “Soft x-ray small-angle scattering as a sensitive probe of magnetic and charge heterogeneity”, J.B. Kortright, S.-K. Kim, G.P. Denbeaux, G. Zeltzer, K. Takano, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 64, No. 9, (September 2001), pp. 092401/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  14. “Perpendicular exchange bias of Co/Pt multilayers”, S. Maat, K. Takano, S. S. P. Parkin, and E.E. Fullerton, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 87, No. 8, (August 2001), pp. 087202/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  15. “Magnetic patterning of chemically ordered CrPt3 films”, O. Hellwig, D. Weller, A.J. Kellock, J.E.E. Baglin, and E.E. Fullerton, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 79, No. 8,(August 2001), pp. 1151-1153. [PDF UCSD only]
  16. “Advanced magnetic recording media for high-density data storage (invited)”, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, A. Moser, and K. Takano, Solid State Tech., Vol. 44, No. 9, (September 2001), pp. 87-88, 91-92, 94. [PDF UCSD only]
  17. “Reversal modes of exchange-spring magnets revealed by torque magnetometry”, C.L. Platt, A.E. Berkowitz, S. David, E.E. Fullerton, J.S. Jiang, and S.D. Bader, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 79, No. 24, (December 2001), pp. 3991-3994. [PDF UCSD only]
  18. “Interlayer coupling and magnetic reversal of antiferromagnetically coupled media”, D.T. Margulies, M.E. Schabes, W. McChesney, and E.E. Fullerton, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 80, No. 1, (January 2002), pp. 91-93. [PDF UCSD only]
  19. “Resolving magnetic and chemical correlations in CoPtCr films using soft x-ray resonant scattering”, J.B. Kortright, O. Hellwig, D.T. Margulies, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 240, No. 1-3, (February 2002), pp. 325-330. [PDF UCSD only]
  20. “Pinpointing chiral structures with front/back neutron reflectometry”, K.V. O’Donovan, J.A. Borchers, C.F. Majkrzak, O. Hellwig, and E.E. Fullerton, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 88, No. 6, (February 2002), pp. 067201/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  21. “Role of boron on grain sizes and magnetic correlation lengths in recording media as determined by soft x-ray scattering”, O. Hellwig, J.B. Kortright, D.T. Margulies, B. Lengsfield, and E.E. Fullerton, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 80, No. 7, (February 2002), pp. 1234-1236. [PDF UCSD only]
  22. “Polymer mediated self-assembly of magnetic nanoparticles”, S. Sun, S. Anders, H. F. Hamann, Jan-U. Thiele, J.E.E. Baglin, T. Thomson, E.E. Fullerton, C.B. Murray, and B.D. Terris, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 124, No. 12, (March 2002), pp. 2884-2885. [PDF UCSD only]
  23. “Magnetic reversal of perpendicularly-biased Co/Pt multilayers”, O. Hellwig, S. Maat, J.B. Kortright, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 65, No. 14, (April 2002), pp. 144418/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  24. “Stokes anti-Stokes Brillouin intensity asymmetry of spin modes in ferromagnetic films and multilayers”, R. Zivieri, P. Vavassori, L. Giovannini, F. Nizzoli, E.E. Fullerton, M. Grimsditch, and V. Metlushko, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 65, No. 16, (April 2002), pp. 165406/1-6. [PDF UCSD only]
  25. “Exchange bias in FexZn1-xF2/Co bilayers”, H. Shi, D. Lederman, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 91, No. 10, (May 2002), pp. 7763-7765. [PDF UCSD only]
  26. “A model of the magnetic properties of FePt granular media”, W. Chantrell, D. Weller, T.J. Klemmer, S. Sun and E.E. Fullerton, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 91, No. 10, (May 2002), pp. 6866-6868. [PDF UCSD only]
  27. “Stokes anti-Stokes peak intensity interchange across a first-order transition”, Z. Rivieri, P. Vavassori, L. Giovannini, F. Nizzoli, E.E. Fullerton, and M. Grimsditch, Surf. Science, Vol. 507-510, (June 2002), pp. 502-506. [PDF UCSD only]
  28. “Coercivity mechanisms in positive exchange biased Co films and Co/Pt multilayers”, T.L. Kirk, O. Hellwig, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 65, No. 22, (June 2002), pp. 224426/1-5. [PDF UCSD only]
  29. “Magnetization temperature dependence in Fe/Cr superlattices”, A.A.R. Fernandes, C.A. Ramos, A.M. Teixeira, and E.E. Fullerton, Physica B, Vol. 320, No. 1-4, (July 2002), pp. 175-177. [PDF UCSD only]
  30. “Lithography and self-assembly for nanometer scale magnetism”, S. Anders, S. Sun, C.B. Murray, C.T. Rettner, M.E. Best, T. Thomson, M. Albrecht, J.-U. Thiele, E.E. Fullerton, and B.D. Terris, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 61-62, (July 2002), pp. 569-575. [PDF UCSD only]
  31. “Soft x-ray characterization of perpendicular recording media”, E.E. Fullerton, O. Hellwig, Y. Ikeda, B. Lengsfield, K. Takano, and J.B. Kortright, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 38, No. 4, Pt. 1, (July 2002), pp. 1693-1697. [PDF UCSD only]
  32. “Cobalt-oxide underlayers for cobalt-ferrite pinned spin valves”, S. Maat, M.J. Carey, E.E. Fullerton, T.X. Le, P.M. Rice, and B. A. Gurney, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 81, No. 3, (July 2002), pp. 520-522. [PDF UCSD only]
  33. “Probing the magnetic transitions in exchange-biased FePt3/Fe bilayers”, R.L. Compton, M.J. Pechan, S. Maat, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 66, No. 5, (August 2002), pp. 054411/1-8. [PDF UCSD only]
  34. “Thermal relaxation in antiferromagnetically coupled granular magnetic media”, A. Moser, D.T. Margulies, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 66, No. 9, (September 2002), pp. 92410/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  35. “Signal decay and amplitude measurements of antiferromagnetically coupled magnetic recording media”, A. Moser, D.T. Margulies, C.T. Rettner, and E.E. Fullerton, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 81, No. 15, (October 2002), pp. 2815-2817. [PDF UCSD only]
  36. “Magnetic Recording: Advancing into the future”, A. Moser, K. Takano, D.T. Margulies, M. Albrecht, Y. Sonobe, Y. Ikeda, S. Sun, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 35, No. 19, (October 2002), pp. R157-167. [PDF UCSD only]
  37. “Rotational hysteresis of exchange-spring magnets”, J.S. Jiang, S.D. Bader, H. Kaper, G. K. Leaf, R.D. Schull, A.J. Shapiro, V. S. Gornakov, V.I. Nikitenko, C.L. Platt, A.E. Berkowitz, S. David and E.E. Fullerton, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 35, No. 19, (October 2002), pp. 2339-2343. [PDF UCSD only]
  38. “Extracting buried twists with polarized neutron reflectometry”, K.V. O’Donovan, J.A. Borchers, C.F. Majkrzak, O. Hellwig, and E.E. Fullerton, Appl. Phys. A, Vol. 74, suppl., Pt. 2, (December 2002), pp. S1544-1546. [PDF UCSD only]
  39. “Thermal activation and reversal times in antiferromagnetically-coupled media”, D.T. Margulies, A. Moser, M.E. Schabes, and E.E. Fullerton, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 81, No. 24, (December 2002), pp. 4631-4633. [PDF UCSD only]
  40. “Soft x-ray magnetic scattering as a probe of recording media (invited)”, E.E. Fullerton, O. Hellwig, K. Takano, and J.B. Kortright, Nucl. Inst. and Methods B, Vol. 200, (January 2003), pp. 202-209. [PDF UCSD only]
  41. “Magnetism in heterogeneous thin film systems: resonant x-ray scattering studies”, J.B. Kortright, J.S. Jiang, S.D. Bader, O. Hellwig, D.T. Margulies, and E.E. Fullerton, Nucl. Inst. and Methods B, Vol. 199, (January 2003), pp. 301-307. [PDF UCSD only]
  42. “A new phase diagram for layered antiferromagnetic films”, O. Hellwig, T.L. Kirk, J.B. Kortright, A. Berger, and E.E. Fullerton, Nature Materials, Vol. 2, No. 2, (February 2003), pp. 112-116. [PDF UCSD only]
  43. “Antiferromagnetically-coupled magnetic recording media (invited)”, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, N. Supper, H. Do, M. Schabes, A. Berger, and A. Moser, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 39, No. 2, (March 2003), pp. 639-644. [PDF UCSD only]
  44. “FeRh/FePt exchange spring films for thermally assisted magnetic recording media”, J.-U. Thiele, S. Maat, and E.E. Fullerton, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 82, No. 17, (April 2003), pp. 2859-2861. [PDF UCSD only]
  45. “The energy barriers in antiferromagnetically coupled media”, D.T. Margulies, A. Berger, A. Moser, M.E. Schabes, and E.E. Fullerton, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 82, No. 21, (May 2003), pp. 3701-3703. [PDF UCSD only]
  46. “Quasistatic x-ray speckle metrology of microscopic magnetic return point memory”, M.S. Pierce, R.G. Moore, L.B. Sorensen, S.D. Kevan, O. Hellwig, E.E. Fullerton, and J.B. Kortright, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 90, No. 17, (May 2003), pp. 175502/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  47. “X-ray studies of aligned magnetic stripe domains in perpendicular multilayers”, O. Hellwig, G. Denbeau, J.B. Kortright, and E.E. Fullerton, Physica B, Vol. 336, No. 1-2, (August 2003), pp. 136-144. [PDF UCSD only]
  48. “Magnetic domain size tuning of biquadratic exchange coupling in magnetic thin films”, A. Moser, A. Berger, D.T. Margulies, and E.E. Fullerton, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 91, No. 9, (August 2003), pp. 097203/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  49. “Ferromagnetism of FePt3 films induced by ion beam irradiation”, S. Maat, A. Kellock, D. Weller, J.E.E. Baglin, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 265, No. 1, (September 2003), pp. 1-6. [PDF UCSD only]
  50. “Polarization effects in coherent scattering from magnetic specimen: Implications for x-ray holography, lensless imaging, and correlation spectroscopy”, S. Eisebitt, M. Lörgen, W. Eberhardt, J. Lüning, J. Stöhr, O. Hellwig, C. Rettner, E.E. Fullerton, and G. Denbeaux, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 68, No. 10, (September 2003), pp. 104419/1-6. [PDF UCSD only]
  51. “Domain walls in antiferromagnetically-coupled multilayer films”, O. Hellwig, A. Berger, and E.E. Fullerton, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 91, No. 19, (November 2003), pp. 197203/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  52. “Hysteretic spin-density-wave ordering in confined geometries”, E.E. Fullerton, J.L. Robertson, A.E. R. Prinsloo, H. L. Alberts, and S.D. Bader, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 91, No. 23, (December 2003), pp. 237201/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  53. “Direct imaging and determination of the uncompensated spin density in exchange-biased CoO/(Co/Pt) multilayers”, P. Kappenberger, S. Martin, Y. Pellmont, H.J. Hug, J.B. Kortright, O. Hellwig, and E.E. Fullerton, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 91, No. 26, (December 2003), pp. 267202/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  54. “Magnetic and structural properties of FePt/FeRh exchange spring films for thermally assisted magnetic recording media”, J.-U. Thiele, S. Maat, J.L. Robertson, and E.E. Fullerton, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 40, No. 4, Pt. 2, (July 2004), pp. 2537-2542. [PDF UCSD only]
  55. “Biquadratic coupling in antiferromagnetically-coupled recording media”, A. Moser, A. Berger, D.T. Margulies, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 95, No. 11, (June 2004), pp. 6657-6659. [PDF UCSD only]
  56. “Film optimization of laminated antiferromagnetically coupled media”, K. Tang, C. Tsang, M. Mirzamaani, M. Doerner, A. Polcyn, X. Bian, D.T. Margulies, E.E. Fullerton, L. Tang, N. Supper, and M. Mercado, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 40, No. 6,(November 2004), pp. 3548-3550. [PDF UCSD only]
  57. “Antiferromagnetic phase transitions in an ordered Pt3Fe(111) film studied by neutron diffraction”, V.V. Krishnamurthy, I. Zoto, G.J. Mankey, J.L. Robertson, S. Maat, E.E. Fullerton, I. Nwagwu, and J.K. Akujieze, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 70, No. 2, (July 2004), pp. 024424/1-5. [PDF UCSD only]
  58. “The origin of signal-to-noise ratio improvements in laminated recording media”, D.T. Margulies, M.E. Schabes, N. Supper, H. Do, A. Berger, A. Moser, P. Arnett, M. Madison, B. Lengsfield, H. Rosen, and E.E. Fullerton, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 85, No. 25, (December 2004), pp. 6200-6202. [PDF UCSD only]
  59. “Magnetization reversal of Co/Pt multilayers: Microscopic origin of high field magnetic irreversibility”, J.E. Davies, O. Hellwig, E.E. Fullerton, G. Denbeaux, J.B. Kortright and K. Liu, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 70, No. 22, (December 2004), pp. 224434/1-8. [PDF UCSD only]
  60. “Disorder induced microscopic magnetic memory”, M.S. Pierce, C.R. Buechler, L.B. Sorensen, J.J. Turner, S.D. Kevan, K.M Chesnel, J.B. Kortright, O. Hellwig, and E.E. Fullerton, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 94, No. 1, (January 2005), pp. 017202/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  61. “Interparticle magnetic correlations in dense Co nanoparticle assemblies”, J.B. Kortright, O. Hellwig, S. Sun, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 71, No. 1, (January 2005), pp. 012402/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  62. “Laminated antiferromagnetically-coupled media: Optimization and extendibility”, K. Tang, D.T. Margulies, A. Polcyn, N. Supper, H. Do, M. Mirzamaani, M. Doerner, X. Bian, M. Mercado, L. Tang, H. Rosen, E.E. Fullerton, C. Tsang, R. Nimmagadda and Q.-F. Xiao, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 41, No. 2, (February 2005), pp. 642-647. [PDF UCSD only]
  63. “Magnetization profiles in antiferromagnetically-coupled recording media”, M.F. Toney, J.A. Borchers, K.V. O’Donovan, C.F. Majkrzak, D.T. Margulies, and E.E. Fullerton, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 86, No. 16, (April 2005), pp. 162506/1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  64. “Magnetic reversal and domain structure in perpendicular antiferromagnetically-coupled films”, O. Hellwig, A. Berger and E.E. Fullerton, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 290-291, Pt. 1, (April 2005), pp. 1-7. [PDF UCSD only]
  65. “Understanding and optimizing laminated recording media”, D.T. Margulies, N. Supper, H. Do, M.E. Schabes, A. Berger, A. Moser, P. Rice, P. Arnett, M. Madison, B. Lengsfield, H. Rosen, K. Tang, A. Polcyn, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 97, No. 10, (May 2005), pp. 10N109/1-6. [PDF UCSD only]
  66. “Noise subtraction in antiferromagnetically-coupled recording media”, A. Moser, N.F. Supper, A. Berger, D.T. Margulies, and E.E. Fullerton, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 86, No. 26, (June 2005), pp. 262501/1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  67. “Anisotropy dependence of irreversible switching in Fe/SmCo and FeNi/FePt exchange spring magnet films”, J.E. Davies, O. Hellwig, E.E. Fullerton, J.S. Jiang, S.D. Bader, G.T. Zimányi, and K. Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 86, No. 26, (June 2005), pp. 262503/1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  68. “?H(M, ?M)-method for the determination of intrinsic switching field distributions in perpendicular media”, A. Berger, Y. Xu, B. Lengsfield, Y. Ikeda, and E.E. Fullerton, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 41, No. 10, (October 2005), pp. 3178-3180. [PDF UCSD only]
  69. “Writability enhancement using exchange spring media”, N. Supper, D.T. Margulies, A. Moser, A. Berger, H. Do, and E.E. Fullerton, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol. 41, No. 10, (October 2005), pp. 3238-3240. [PDF UCSD only]
  70. “Temperature and field hysteresis of the antiferromagnetic-to-ferromagnetic phase transition in epitaxial FeRh films”, S. Maat, J.-U. Thiele, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 72, No. 21, (December 2005), pp. 214432/1-10. [PDF UCSD only]

2006 - 2010

  1. “Reversible hysteresis loop tuning”, A. Berger, C. Binek, D.T. Margulies, A. Moser, and E.E. Fullerton, Physica B, Vol. 372, No. 1-2, (February 2006), pp. 168-172. [PDF UCSD only]
  2. “Current-induced magnetization reversal in nanopillars with perpendicular anisotropy”, S. Mangin, D. Ravelosona, J.A. Katine, M.J. Carey, B.D. Terris, and E.E. Fullerton, Nature Materials, Vol. 5, No. 3, (March 2006), pp. 210-215. [PDF UCSD only]
  3. “State-of-the-art magnetic hard disk drives”, R. McFadyen, E.E. Fullerton, and M.J. Carey, MRS Bulletin, Vol. 31, No. 5, (May 2006), pp. 379-383. [PDF UCSD only]
  4. “Domain wall creation in nanostructures driven by a spin-polarized current”, D. Ravelosona, S. Mangin, Y. Lemaho, J.A. Katine, B.D. Terris, and E.E. Fullerton, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 96, No. 18, (May 2006), pp. 186604/1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  5. “Influence of lateral domains and interface domain walls on exchange-bias phenomena in TbFe/GdFe bilayers”, S. Mangin, T. Hauet, Y. Henry, F. Montaigne, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 74, No. 2, (July 2006), pp. 024414/1-5. [PDF UCSD only]
  6. “Advances in nanomagnetism via X-ray techniques”, G. Srajer, L. H. Lewis, S.D. Bader, A.J. Epstein, C.S. Fadley, E.E. Fullerton, A. Hoffmann, J.B. Kortright, Kannan M. Krishnan, S.A. Majetich, T.S. Rahman, C.A. Ross, M.B. Salamon, I.K. Schuller, T.C. Schulthess, and J.Z. Sun, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 307, No. 1, (December 2006), pp. 1-31. [PDF UCSD only]
  7. “Threshold currents to move domain walls in films with perpendicular anisotropy”, D. Ravelosona, S. Mangin, J.A. Katine, E.E. Fullerton, and B.D. Terris, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 90, (February 2007), pp. 072508. [PDF UCSD only]
  8. “Current induced domain wall states in CPP nanopillars with perpendicular anisotropy”, D. Ravelosona, S. Mangin, Y. Henry, Y. Lemaho, J. Katine, B. Terris, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Phys. D, Vol. 40, (March 2007), pp. 1253-1256. [PDF UCSD only]
  9. “Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in high perpendicular anisotropy [Co/Pt]n multilayers”, A. Barman, S. Wang, O. Hellwig, A. Berger, E.E. Fullerton, and H. Schmidt, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 101, (May 2007), pp. 09D102/1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  10. “Magnetic phase separation in artificial a-type antiferromagnetic films”, O. Hellwig, A. Berger, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), Vol. 75, No.13, (April 2007), pp. 134416-1-5. [PDF UCSD only]
  11. “Disorder-induced magnetic memory: experiments and theories”, M.S. Pierce, C.R. Buechler, L.B. Sorensen, S.D. Kevan, E.A. Jagla, J.M. Deutsch, T. Mai, O.Narayan, J.E. Davies, L. Kai, G.T. Zimanyi, H.G. Katzgraber, O. Hellwig, E.E. Fullerton, P. Fischer, J.B. Kortright, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), Vol. 75, No.14, ( April 2007), pp. 144406-1-23. [PDF UCSD only]
  12. “Separating dipolar broadening from the intrinsic switching field distribution in perpendicular patterned media”, O. Hellwig, A. Berger, T. Thomson, E. Dobisz, Z.Z. Bandic, H. Yang, D.S. Kercher, and E.E. Fullerton, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.90, No.16,(April 2007), pp. 162516-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  13. “Exchange bias training effect in TbFe/GdFe: Micromagnetic mechanism”, T. Hauet, S. Mangin, J. McCord, F. Montaigne, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 76, No. 14, (October 2007), pp. 144423-1-5. [PDF UCSD only]
  14. “Domain structure and magnetization reversal of antiferromagnetically coupled perpendicular anisotropy films”, O. Hellwig, A. Berger, J.B. Kortright and E.E. Fullerton, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 319, No. 1-2, (December 2007), pp. 13-55. [PDF UCSD only]
  15. "The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics: magnetism and transport at the nanoscale", E.E. Fullerton, and I.K. Schuller, Nano, Vol. 1, No. 5, (December 2007), pp. 383-389. [PDF UCSD only]
  16. “Temperature-dependent magnetization reversal in (Co/Pt)/Ru multilayers”, J.E. Davies, O. Hellwig, E.E. Fullerton, and K. Liu, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 77, No. 1, (January 2008), pp. 014421 [PDF UCSD only]
  17. “Antiferromagnetic MnO Nanoparticles with Ferrimagnetic Mn3O4 Shells: A Doubly-Inverted Core-Shell System", A.E. Berkowitz, G. F. Rodriguez, J.I. Hong, K. An, T. Hyeon, N. Agarwal, D.J. Smith, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 77, No. 2, (January 2008), pp. 0244403-1-6. [PDF UCSD only]
  18. “The role of uncompensated spins in exchange biasing", I. Schmid, P. Kappenberger, O. Hellwig, M.J. Carey, E.E. Fullerton and H.J. Hug, Europhysics Letters, Vol. 81, No. 1, (January 2008), pp. 17001-p1 - 17001-p5. [PDF UCSD only]
  19. “Device implications of spin-transfer torques”, J.A. Katine, and E.E. Fullerton, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 320, No. 7, (April 2008), pp. 1217-1226. [PDF UCSD only]
  20. “Tailoring magnetism in CoNi films with perpendicular anisotropy by ion irradiation”, D. Stanescu, D. Ravelosona, V. Mathet, C. Chappert, Y. Samson, C. Beigné, N. Vernier, J. Ferré, J. Gierak, E. Bouhris, and E.E. Fullerton, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 103, No. 7, (April 2008), pp. 07B529-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  21. “Origin of the magneto—thermogalvanic voltage in cluster-assembled metallic nanostructures”, E.E. Fullerton, S. Mangin, Nature Materials, Vol. 7, No. 4, (April 2008), pp 257. [PDF UCSD only]
  22. “Interfacial magnetic domain wall formation in perpendicular-anisotropy, exchange-spring films”, S.M. Watson, T. Hauet, J .A. Borchers, S. Mangin, and E .E. Fullerton, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 92, No. 20, (May 2008), pp. 202507-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  23. “Antiferromagnetic LaFeO3 thin films and their effect on exchange bias”, J.W. Seo, E.E. Fullerton, F. Nolting, A. Scholl, J. Fompeyrine, and J-P Locquet, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol. 20, No. 26, (July 2008), pp. 264014-1-10. [PDF UCSD only]
  24. “Monodispersed MnO nanoparticles with epitaxial Mn3O4 shells”, A.E. Berkowitz, G. F. Rodriguez, J.I. Hong, K.An, T. Hyeon, N. Agarwal, D.J. Smith, and E.E. Fullerton, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 41, No. 13, (July 2008), pp. 134007-1-5. [PDF UCSD only]
  25. “Influence of interface exchange coupling in perpendicular anisotropy [PT/Co]50/TbFe bilayers”, S. Mangin, T. Hauet, P. Fischer, D.H. Kim, J.B. Kortright, K. Chesnel, E. Arenholz, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 78, No. 2, (July 2008), pp. 024424-1-6. [PDF UCSD only]
  26. “Improved media performance in optimally coupled exchange spring layer media”, A. Berger, N. Supper, Y. Ikeda, B. Lengsfield, A. Moser, and E.E. Fullerton, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, No. 12, (September 2008), pp. 122502-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  27. “Mechanism of chirality reversal for planar interface domain walls in exchange-coupled hard/soft magnetic bilayers”, J. McCord, Y. Henry, T. Hauet, F. Montaigne, E.E. Fullerton, and S. Mangin, Physical Review B, Vol. 78, No. 9, (September 2008), pp. 094417-1-5. [PDF UCSD only]
  28. “Role of pinning in current driven domain wall motion in wires with perpendicular anisotropy”, C. Burrowes, D. Ravelosona, C. Chappert, S. Mangin, E.E. Fullerton, J.A. Katine, and B.D. Terris, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, No. 17, (October 2008), pp. 172513 (3 ). [PDF UCSD only]
  29. “Magnetic memory in ferromagnetic thin films via exchange coupling”, K. Chesnel, E.E. Fullerton, M.J. Carey, J.B. Kortright, and S.D. Kevan, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 78, No. 13, (October 2008), pp. 132409 (4 ). [PDF UCSD only]
  30. “Suppression of magnetic trench material in bit patterned media fabricated by blanket deposition onto prepatterned substrates”, O. Hellwig, A. Moser, E. Dobisz, Z.Z. Bandic, H. Yang, D.S. Kercher, J.D. Risner-Jamtgaard, D. Yaney, and E.E. Fullerton, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, No. 19, (November 2008), pp. 192501 (3 ). [PDF UCSD only]
  31. “Nonlinear and hysteretic exchange bias in antiferromagnetically coupled ferromagnetic bilayers”, A. Berger, O. Hovorka, G. Friedman, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 78, No. 22, (December 2008), pp. 224407-1-6. [PDF UCSD only]
  32. “Reducing the critical current for spin-transfer switching of perpendicularly magnetized nanomagnets”, S. Mangin, Y. Henry, D. Ravelosona, J.A. Katine, and E.E. Fullerton, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 94, No. 1, (January 2009), pp. 012502-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  33. “Telegraph noise due to domain wall motion driven by spin current in perpendicular magnetized nanopillars”, J. Cucchiara, Y. Henry, D. Ravelosona, D. Lacour, E.E. Fullerton, J.A. Katine, and S. Mangin, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 94, No. 10, (March 2009), pp. 102503-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  34. “Capped bit patterned media for high density magnetic recording”, S. Li, B. Livshitz, H.N. Bertram, A. Inomata, E.E. Fullerton, and V. Lomakin, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, No. 7, (April 2009), pp. 07C122-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  35. “Microwave-assisted magnetization reversal and multilevel recording in composite media”, S. Li, B. Livshitz, H.N. Bertram, E.E. Fullerton, and V. Lomakin, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, No. 7, (April 2009), pp. 07B909-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  36. “Microwave assisted magnetization reversal in composite media”, S. Li, B. Livshitz, H.N. Bertram, M. Schabes, T. Schrefl, E.E. Fullerton, and V. Lomakin, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 94, No. 20, (May 2009), pp. 202509-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  37. “Strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Ni/Co(111) single crystal superlattices”, S. Girod, M. Gottwald, S. Andrieu, S. Mangin, J. McCord, E.E. Fullerton, J.-M. L. Beaujour, B. J. Krishnatreya, and A.D. Kent, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 94, No. 26, (June 2009), pp. 262504-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  38. “Distortion of the Stoner-Wohlfarth astroid by a spin-polarized current”, Y. Henry, S. Mangin, J. Cucchiara, J.A. Katine, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), Vol. 79, No. 21, (June 2009), pp.214422-1-7. [PDF UCSD only]
  39. “Frustration driven stripe domain formation in Co/Pt multilayer films”, J.E. Davies, O. Hellwig, E.E. Fullerton, M. Winklhofer, R.D. Shull, and K. Liu, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95, No. 2, (July 2009), pp. 022505 -1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  40. “Suppression of the perpendicular anisotropy at the CoO Néel temperature in exchange-biased CoO/[Co/Pt] multilayers”, E. Shipton, K. Chan, T. Hauet, O. Hellwig, and E.E. Fullerton, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95, No. 13, (September 2009), pp. 132509-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  41. “Ferromagnetic resonance linewidth in ultrathin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy”, J.-M. Beaujour, D. Ravelosona, I. Tudosa, E. E. Fullerton, and A. D. Kent, Physical Review B, Vol. 80, No. 18, (Nov. 2009), pp. 180415-1-4.
  42. “Coercivity tuning in Co/Pd multilayer based bit patterned media”, O. Hellwig, T. Hauet, T. Thomson, E. Dobisz, J.D. Risner-Jamtgaard, D. Yaney, B.D. Terris, and E.E. Fullerton, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95, No. 23, (December 2009), pp. 232505 - 232505-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  43. “Ultrafast spin-transfer switching in spin valve nanopillars with perpendicular anisotropy”, D. Bedau, H. Liu, J.-J. Bouzaglou, A.D. Kent, J.Z. Sun, J.A. Katine, E.E. Fullerton, and S. Mangin, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 96, No. 2, (January 2010), pp. 022514 - 022514-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  44. “Non-adiabatic spin-torques in narrow magnetic domain walls”, C. Burrowes, A.P. Mihai, D. Ravelosona, J.-V. Kim, C. Chappert, L. Vila, A. Marty, Y. Samson, F. Gracia-Sanchez, L.D. Buda-Prejbeanu, I. Tudosa, E.E. Fullerton, and J.-P. Attane, Nature Physics, Vol. 6, No. 1, (January 2010), pp. 17-21. [PDF UCSD only]
  45. “Microscopic return point memory in Co/Pd multilayer films”, K.A. Seu, R. Su, S. Roy, D. Parks, E. Shipton, E.E. Fullerton, and S.D. Kevan, New Journal of Physics, No. 12, (March 2010), pp. 035009 (15). [PDF]
  46. “Perpendicular spin-torque switching with a synthetic antiferromagnetic reference layer”, I. Tudosa, J.A. Katine, S. Mangin, and E.E. Fullerton, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 96, No. 21, (May 2010), pp. 212504-1-3.
  47. “Influence of growth morphology on the Néel temperature of CrRu thin films and heterostructures”, A. R. E. Prinsloo, H.A. Derrett, O. Hellwig, E.E. Fullerton, H.L. Alberts, and N. van den Berg, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 322, No. 9-12, (May-June 2010), pp. 1126-1129. [PDF UCSD only]
  48. “Core-shell structured nanowire spin valves”, K.T. Chan, C. Doran, E.G. Shipton, and E.E. Fullerton, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 46, No. 6, (June 2010), pp. 2209-2211. [PDF UCSD only]
  49. “Thickness and temperature effects on magnetic properties and roughness of L10 –ordered FePt films”, C.S. Kim, J.J. Sapan, S. Moyerman, K. Lee, E.E. Fullerton, and M.H. Kryder, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 46, No. 6, (June 2010), pp. 2282-2285. [PDF UCSD only]
  50. “Current induced switching of the hard layer in perpendicular magnetic nanopillars”, I. Tudosa, J.A. Katine, S. Mangin, and E.E. Fullerton, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 46, No. 6, (June 2010), pp. 2328-2330. [PDF UCSD only]
  51. “Magnetic susceptibility measurements as a probe of spin transfer driven magnetization dynamics”, W. Lin, J. Cucchiara, C. Berthelot, T. Hauet, Y. Henry, J.A. Katine, E.E. Fullerton, and S. Mangin, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 96, No. 25, (June 2010), pp. 25203-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  52. “Electric-field modification of magnetism in a thin CoPd film”, M. Zhernenkov, M.R. Fitzsimmons, J. Chlistunoff, J. Majewski, I. Tudosa, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B, Vol. 82, No. 2, (July 2010), pp. 024420-1-6. [PDF UCSD only]
  53. “Investigation of Fe–Si–N films as magnetic overcoat for high density recording disk drives”, M. Gauvin, E.E. Fullerton, and F.E. Talke, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 108, No. 6, (September 2010), pp. 063925. [PDF UCSD only]
  54. “Cumulative minor loop growth in Co/Pt and Co/Pd multilayers”, A. Berger, S. Mangin, J. McCord, O. Hellwig, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B, Vol. 82, No. 10, (September 2010), pp. 104423-1-9. [PDF UCSD only]
  55. “ Exchange bias and domain evolution at 10nm scales”, I. Schmid, M.A. Marioni, P. Kappenberger, S. Romer, M. Parlinska-Wojtan, H.J. Hug, O. Hellwig, M.J. Carey, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 105, No. 19, (November 2010), pp. 197201-1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  56. “Spin-transfer pulse switching: From the dynamic to the thermally activated regime”, D. Bedau, H. Liu, J.Z. Sun, J.A. Katine, E.E. Fullerton, S. Mangin, and A.D. Kent, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 97, No. 26, (December 2010), pp. 262502-1-3. [PDF UCSD only]
  57. “Oriented growth of single-crystal Ni nanowires onto amorphous SiO2”, K. T. Chan, J. J. Kan, C. Doran, L. Ouyang, D. J. Smith, and E. E. Fullerton, Nano Letters, Vol. 10, No. 2 (December 2010), pp. 5070-5075.

2011 - 2015

  1. “Reversal in bit patterned media with vertical and lateral exchange”, M.V. Lubarda, S. Li, B. Livshitz, E.E. Fullerton, and V. Lomakin, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 47, No. 1, (January 2011), pp. 18-25 [PDF UCSD only]
  2. “Antiferromagnetically coupled capped bit patterned media for high-density magnetic recording”, M.V. Lubarda, S. Li, B. Livshitz, E.E. Fullerton, and V. Lomakin, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, No. 1, (January 2011), pp. 012513. [PDF UCSD only]
  3. “Oscillating spatial dependence of domain memory in ferromagnetic films mapped via x-ray speckle correlation”, K. Chesnel, J.A. Nelson, S.D. Kevan, M.J. Carey, and E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B, Vol. 83, No. 5, (February 2011), pp. 054436. [PDF UCSD only]
  4. “Ferromagnetic resonance study of Co/Pd/Co/Ni multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy irradiated with helium ions”, J.M.L. Beaujour, A.D. Kent, D. Ravelosona, I. Tudosa, and E.E. Fullerton, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 109, No. 3, (February 2011), pp. 033917. [PDF UCSD only]
  5. “Calorimetry of epitaxial thin films”, D.W. Cooke, F. Hellman, J.R. Groves, B.M. Clemens, S. Moyerman, and E.E. Fullerton, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 82, No. 2, (February 2011), pp. 023908. [PDF UCSD only]
  6. “Momentum transfer resolved memory in a magnetic system with perpendicular anisotropy”, K.A. Seu, S. Roy, R. Su, D.H. Parks, E. Shipton, E.E. Fullerton, and S.D. Kevan, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, No. 12, (March 2011), pp. 122505-1-3 [PDF UCSD only]
  7. “Magnetotransport properties of epitaxial MgO(001)/FeRh films across the antiferromagnet to ferromagnet transition”, M. Sharma, H.M. Aarbogh, J.-U. Thiele, S. Maat, E.E. Fullerton, and C. Leighton, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 109, No. 8, (April 2011), pp. 083913-1-7 [PDF UCSD only]
  8. “Effect of microwave irradiation on spin-torque-driven magnetization precession in nanopillars with magnetic perpendicular anisotropy”, N. Reckers, J. Cucchiara, O. Posth, C. Hassel, F.M. Romer, R. Narkowicz, R.A. Gallardo, P. Landeros, H. Zahres, S. Mangin, J.A. Katine, E.E. Fullerton, G. Dumpich, R. Mechenstock, J. Lindner, and M. Farle, Physical Review B, Vol. 83, No. 18, (May 2011), pp. 184427-1-8 [PDF UCSD only]
  9. “Asymmetric domain wall depinning under current in spin valves with perpendicular anisotropy”, S. Park, N. M. Nguyen, C. Burrowes, E.E. Fullerton, C. Chappert, L. Prejebeanu, F. Garcia-Sanchez, and D. Ravelosona, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, No. 23, (June 2011), pp. 232512-1-3 [PDF UCSD only]
  10. “Perpendicular magnetization of CoFeB on single-crystal MgO”, K. Lee, J.J. Sapan, S. H. Kang, and E.E. Fullerton, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 109, No. 12, (June 2011), pp. 123910 - 123910-3 [PDF UCSD only]
  11. “Tunable surface plasmon polaritons in Ag composite films by adding dielectrics or semiconductors”, D. Lu, J. Kan, E.E. Fullerton, and L. Zhaowei, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, No. 24, (June 2011), pp. 243114 [PDF UCSD only]
  12. “Dichroic coherent diffractive imaging”, A.Tripathi, J. Mohanty, S. H. Dietze, O. G. Shpyrko, E. Shipton, E. E. Fullerton, S. S. Kim, and I. McNulty, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Vol. 108, No. 33, (Aug. 2011), pp. 13393-13398.
  13. ”Spin-transfer-torque reversal in perpendicular anisotropy spin valves with composite free layers”, I. Yulaev, M.V. Lubarda, S. Mangin, V. Lomakin, E.E. Fullerton, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 99, No. 33, (September 2011), pp. 132502 [PDF UCSD only]
  14. ”Current-induced magnetization reversal in terms of power dissipation”, J. Cucchiara, E.E. Fullerton, A.D. Kent, J.Z. Sun, Y. Henry, S., Physical Review B, Vol.84, No. 10, (September 2011), pp. 100405 [PDF UCSD only]
  15. “Cargo-towing fuel-free magnetic nanomotors for targeted drug delivery”, W. Gao, D. Kagan, O. S. Pak, C. Clawson, S. Campuzano, E. Chuluun-Erdene, E. Shipton, E. E. Fullerton, L. Zhang, E. Lauga, and J. Wang, Small, Vol. 8, No. 3, 460–467.
  16. “Emergent rotational symmetries in disordered magnetic domain patterns”, R. Su, K.A. Seu, D. Parks, J.J. Kan, E.E. Fullerton, S. Roy, and S.D. Kevan, Physical Review Letters Vol. 107, No. 25, (Dec. 2011) pp. 257204-1-4 [PDF UCSD only]
  17. “Controlled growth behavior of chemical vapor deposited Ni nanostructures”, K.T. Chan, J.J. Kan, C. Doran, L. Ouyang, D.J. Smith, and E.E. Fullerton, Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 92, No. 17 (June 2012), 2173–2186 (2012) [PDF UCSD only]
  18. “Asymmetric switching behavior in perpendicularly magnetized spin-valve nanopillars due to the polarizer dipole field”, D.B. Gopman, D. Bedau, S. Mangin, C.H. Lambert, E.E. Fullerton, J.A. Katine, and A.D. Kent, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 100, No. 6 (Feb. 2012), 062404-1-3 (2012) [PDF UCSD only]
  19. “Thermal stability of patterned Co/Pd nanodot arrays”, I. Tudosa, M.V. Lubarda, K.T. Chan, M.A. Escobar, V. Lomakin and E.E. Fullerton, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 100, No. 10 (Mar 2012) 102401-1-4. [PDF UCSD only]
  20. “Structural and Magnetic Dynamics of a Laser Induced Phase Transition in FeRh”, S.O. Mariager, F. Pressacco, G. Ingold, A. Caviezel, E. Möhr-Vorobeva, P. Beaud, S.L. Johnson, C.J. Milne, E. Mancini, S. Moyerman, E.E. Fullerton, R. Feidenhans, C.H. Back, and C. Quitmann, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 108, No. 8 (Feb. 2012) 087201-1-5 [PDF UCSD only]
  21. “Transport and switching behaviors in magnetic tunnel junctions consisting of CoFeB/FeNiSiB hybrid free layers”, D.H. Kim, D.K. Kim, J.U. Cho, S.Y. Park, S. Isogami, M. Tsunoda, M. Takahashi, E.E. Fullerton, and Y.K. Kim, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 111, No. 9 (May 2012) 093913-1-4 [PDF UCSD only]
  22. “Time-Resolved Magnetic Relaxation of a Nanomagnet on Subnanosecond Time Scales”, H. Liu, D. Bedau, J. Z. Sun, S. Mangin, E.E. Fullerton, J.A. Katine, A.D. Kent, Physical Review B, Vol. 85, No. 22, (June 2012) 220405(R)-1-5 [PDF UCSD only]
  23. “Domain wall motion in magnetically frustrated nanorings”, M.V. Lubarda, M.A. Escobar, S. Li, R. Chang, E.E. Fullerton, V. Lomakin, Physical Review B, Vol. 85, No. 21 (June 2012) 214428-1-6 [PDF UCSD only]
  24. “Electronic structure changes across the metamagnetic transition in FeRh via hard x-ray photoemission”, A.X. Gray, D.W. Cooke, P. Krüger, C. Bordel, A.M. Kaiser, S. Moyerman, E.E. Fullerton, S. Ueda, Y. Yamashita, A. Gloskovskii, C.M. Schneider, W. Drube, K. Kobayashi, F. Hellman, and C.S. Fadley, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 108, No. 25 (June 2012) 257208-1-5 [PDF UCSD only]
  25. “Co/Ni(111) superlattices studied by microscopy, x-ray absorption, and ab initio calculations”, M. Gottwald, S. Andrieu, F. Gimbert, E. Shipton, L. Calmels, C. Magen, E. Snoeck, M. Liberati, T. Hauet, E. Arenholz, S. Mangin , E.E. Fullerton, Physical Review B , Vol. 86, No. 1, 014425-1-15 (July 2012) [PDF UCSD only]
  26. “State diagram of nanopillar spin valves with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy”, S. Le Gall, J. Cucchiara, M. Gottwald, C. Berthelot, and C.-H. Lambert, Y. Henry, D. Bedau, D.B. Gopman, H. Liu, and A.D. Kent, J.Z. Sun, W. Lin and D. Ravelosona, J.A. Katine, E.E. Fullerton, S. Mangin, Physical Review B , Vol. 86, No.1 (July 2012) 014419-1-16 [PDF UCSD only]
  27. “Probing the three-dimensional strain inhomogeneity and equilibrium elastic properties of single crystal Ni nanowires”, E. Fohtung, J.W. Kim, K.T. Chan, R. Harder, E.E. Fullerton, and O.G. Shpyrko, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 101, No. 3, (July 2012) 033107-1-4 [PDF UCSD only]
  28. “Role of dipolar interactions on the thermal stability of high-density bit-patterned media”, N. Eibagi, J.J. Kan, F.E. Spada and E.E. Fullerton, IEEE Magnetic Letters, vol. 3, 4500204-1-4 (Sept. 2012) [PDF UCSD only]
  29. “Fe spin reorientation across the metamagnetic transition in strained FeRh thin films”, C. Bordel, J. Juraszek, D.W. Cooke, C. Baldasseroni, S. Mankovsky, J. Minár, H. Ebert, S. Moyerman, E.E. Fullerton and F. Hellman, Physical Review Letters, vol. 109, No. 11, 117201-1-5 (Sept. 2012) [PDF UCSD only]
  30. “Light-induced magnetization reversal of high-anisotropy TbCo alloy films”, S. Alebrand, M. Gottwald, M. Hehn, D. Steil, M. Cinchetti, D. Lacour, E. E. Fullerton, M. Aeschlimann, and S. Mangin, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 101, No. 16, 162408-1-4 (October 2012). [PDF]
  31. “Write Error Rate Slopes of In-Plane Magnetic Tunnel Junctions”, K. Lee, J. J. Kan, E. E. Fullerton, and S. H. Kang, IEEE Magnetic Letters, vol. 3, 3000604-1-4 (Dec. 2012). [PDF]
  32. “Field mapping and temperature dependence of magnetic domain memory induced by exchange couplings”, K. Chesnel, B. Wilcken, M. Rytting, S. D. Kevan and E. E. Fullerton, New Journal of Physics, Vol. 15, No. 2, 023016-1-19, (Feb. 2013). [PDF]
  33. “Thermodynamic Measurements of Fe-Rh Alloys”, D. W. Cooke, F. Hellman, C. Baldasseroni, C. Bordel, S. Moyerman, and E. E. Fullerton, Physical Review Letters, vol. 109, No. 25, 117201-1-5 (Dec. 2012). [PDF]
  34. “Domain wall motion in nanopillar spin-valves with perpendicular anisotropy driven by spin-transfer torques”, J. Cucchiara, S. Le Gall, E. E. Fullerton, J.-V. Kim, D. Ravelosona, Y. Henry, J. A. Katine, A. D. Kent, D. Bedau, D. Gopman, and S. Mangin, Physical Review B, Vol. 86, No. 21, 214429-1-5 (Dec. 2012). [PDF]
  35. Lu, Dylan, Jimmy Kan, Eric E. Fullerton, and Zhaowei Liu. "Strongly Enhanced Fluorescence Decay Rates on Multilayered Plasmonic Metamaterials." InQuantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, pp. QTh1A-2. Optical Society of America, 2012. [PDF]
  36. “Ultra-thin Co/Pd multilayers with enhanced high-temperature annealing stability”, M. Gottwald, K. Lee, J. J. Kan, B. Ocker, J. Langer, S. H. Kang, and E.E. Fullerton, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 102, No. 5, 052405-1-4 (Feb. 2013). [PDF]
  37. “Strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at the Fe-MgO(001) interface”, C.-H. Lambert, A. Rajanikanth, T. Hauet, S. Mangin, E.E. Fullerton, and S. Andrieu, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 102, No. 12, 122410-1-4 (Mar. 2013). [PDF]
  38. “Quantifying perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at the Fe-MgO(001) interface," C.-H. Lambert, A. Rajanikanth, T. Hauet, S. Mangin, E.E. Fullerton, and S. Andrieu, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, No. 12, 122410-1-4, (March 2013).
  39. “Tunable resonant properties of perpendicular anisotropy [Co/Pd]/Fe/[Co/Pd] multilayer”, J. Dou, M. J. Pechan, E. Shipton, N. Eibagi and E. E. Fullerton, Journal Applied Physics, Vol. 113, No. 17C115, (April 16, 2013). [PDF]
  40. “Dynamic switching of the spin circulation in tapered magnetic nanodisks”, V. Uhlír, M. Urbánek, L. Hladík, J. Spousta, M.-Y. Im, P. Fischer, N. Eibagi, J. J. Kan, E. E. Fullerton and T. Šikola, Nature Nanotechnology, 8, 341-346, (April 2013). [PDF]
  41. “The influence of structural disorder on magnetic domain formation in perpendicular anisotropy thin films”, M. S. Pierce, J. E. Davies, J. J. Turner, K. Chesnel, E. E. Fullerton, J. Nam, R. Hailstone, S. D. Kevan, J. B. Kortright, K. Liu, L. B. Sorensen, B. R. York, O. Hellwig,Physical Review B, 87, 184428, 17 pages, May 24, 2013. [PDF]
  42. “Phase transition in iron-rhodium thin films probed by ferromagnetic resonance”, E. Mancini, F. Pressacco, M. Hartiger, E. E. Fullerton, T. Suzuki, G. Woltersdorf, and C. H. Back, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol. 46, No. 24, 5302, (June 3, 2013). [PDF]
  43. "Low-temperature magnetic characterization of optimum and etch-damaged in-plane magnetic tunnel junctions." J. J. Kan, K, Lee, M, Gottwald, S, H. Kang, and E,E. Fullerton. Journal of Applied Physics 114, 114506, September 2013.
  44. "Temperature dependence of the switching field in all-perpendicular spin-valve nanopillars." D. B. Gopman, D. Bedau, G. Wolf, S. Mangin, E. E. Fullerton, J. A. Katine, and A. D. Kent. Physical Review B Vol. 88, No. 10, 100401, September 2013.
  45. James Hanson, Kate Page, S. Manna, R. Herder, OG Shpyrko, E.E. Fullerton, Edwin Fohtung, “ Structure and Morphology of Gold Nanoparticles Revealed with the Aid of Coherent X-Ray Diffraction”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 58, October 18, 2013.

  46. C. Burrowes, N. Vernier, J-P Adam, L. Herrera Diez, K. Garcia, I. Barisic, G. Agnus, S. Eimer, Joo-Von Kim, T. Devolder, A. Lamperti. R. Mantovan, B. Ockert, E.E. Fullerton, D. Ravelosona, “Low depinning fields in Ta-CoFeB-MgO ultrathin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.103, 182401, October 28, 2013. [PDF]

  47. D.B. Gopman, D. Bedau, S. Mangin, E.E. Fullerton, J.A. Katine. A.D. Kent, “Temperature dependent nucleation and propagation of domain walls in a sub-100nm perpendicularly magnetized Co/Ni multilayer”, arXiv preprint arXiv: 1311.0334, November 2, 2013. [PDF]

  48. D.B. Gopman, D. Bedau, S. Mangin. E.E. Fullerton, J.A. Katine, A.D. Kent, “Spin-transfer assisted thermally activated switching distributions in perpendicularly magnetized spin valve nanopillars”, arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.1994, December 6, 2013. [PDF]

  49. M. Gottwald, J. J. Kan, K. Lee, S. H. Kang, and E. E. Fullerton,“Paramagnetic FexTa1-x alloys for engineering of perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions”, Applied Physics Letters Materials 1, no. 2, 022102, 2013. [PDF]
  50. Dylan Lu, Jimmy J. Kan, Eric E. Fullerton, Zhaowei Liu, “Enhancing spontaneous emission rates of molecules using nonopatterned multilayer hyperbolic metamaterials ”, Nature Nanotechnology, Vol. 9, P. 48-53, January 1,2014.[PDF]

  51. Dae Hoe Lee, Kyler J. Carroll, Karena W. Chapman, Olaf J. Borkiewicz, Scott Calvin, Eric E. Fullerton, Ying Shirley Meng, “Understanding improved electrochemical properties of NiO-doped NiF2-C composite conversion materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and pair distribution function analysis”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 16, P. 3095-3102, 2014. [PDF]

  52. Daniel B. Gopman, Daniel Bedau, Stéphane Mangin, Eric E. Fullerton, Jordan A. Katine, Andrew D. Kent, “Bimodal switching field distributions in all-perpendicular spin-valve nanopillars”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.115, P. 17C707, January 9, 2014. [PDF]

  53. H. Liu, D. Bedau, J.Z. Sun, S. Mangin, E.E. Fullerton,J. A. Katine, A.D. Kent, “Dynamics of spin torque switching in all-perpendicular spin valve nanopillars”,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, January 30, 2014. [PDF]
  54. S. Mangin, M. Gottwald, C.H. Lambert, D. Steil, V. Uhlíř, L. Pang, M. Hehn, S. Alberand, M. Cinchetti, G. Malinowski, Y. Fainman, M. Aeschlimann, E.E. Fullerton, “Engineered materials for all-optical helicity-dependent magnetic switching”, Nature Materials, Vol. 13, P. 286-292, March 1, 2014. [PDF]

  55. Jong Woo Kim, Edwin Fohtung, Sohini Manna, Sebastian Dietze, Andrew Ulvestad, Ross Harder, Eric Fullerton, Oleg Shpyrko, “Inhomogeneous strain of single-crystalline polyhedral gold nanocrystals revealed by coherent x-ray diffraction imaging”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, March 4, 2014. [PDF]

  56. Eric Fullerton, “Engineered materials for all-optical helicity-dependent magnetic switching”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, March 4, 2014. [PDF]

  57. Yi Zhu, Qingteng Zhang, Pice Chen, D.A. Walko, E.M. Dufresne, J.U. Thiele, E.E. Fullerton, Zhonghou Cai, P.G. Evans, Haidan Wen, “Transient grating-induced phase inhomogeneity in FeRh studied by time-resolved hard x-ray nonodiffraction”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, March 4, 2014. [PDF]

  58. Charles-Henri Lambert, Stephane Mangin, B.S.D. Varaprasad, YK Takahashi, M Hehn, M Cinchetti, G. Malinowski, K. Hono, Y. Fainman, M. Aeschlimann, Eric E. Fullerton, “All-optical control of ferromagnetic thin films and nanostructures”, arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.0784, March 4, 2014.[PDF]

  59. Erandi Wijerathna, Jong Woo Kim, San Wen Chen, Ross Harder, Sohini Manna, Boris Kiefer, Eric E. Fullerton, Edwin Fohtung, Jose De la Venta, Oleg Shpyrko, “Magnetostriction in Ni Nanowires: Coherent X-ray Diffraction and Density Functional Analysis”, Bulletin of the American Physical Society,March 6, 2014. [PDF]
  60. S.-W. Chen, X. Lu, E. Blackburn, V. Lauter, H. Ambaye, K.T. Chan, E.E. Fullerton, A.E. Berkowitz, S.K. Sinha, “Nanoswitchable magnetic moments in polycrystalline and (111)-epitaxial permalloy/CoO exchange-biased bilayers”, Physical Review B, Vol. 89, 094419, March 20,2014.[PDF]

  61. D.B. Gopman, D. Bedau, S. Mangin, E.E. Fullerton, J. A. Katine, A.D. Kent, “Temperature dependent nucleation, propagation, and annihilation of domain walls in all-perpendicular spin-valve nanopillars”, Jornal of Applied Physics, Vol 115, 113910, March 20,2014. [PDF]

  62. Sabine Alebrand, Ute Bierbrauer, Michel Hehn, Matthias Gottwald, Oliver Schmitt, Daniel Steil, Eric E. Fullerton, Stephane Mangin, Mirko Cinchetti, Martin Aeschlimann, “Subpicosecond magnetization dynamics in TbCo alloys”, Physical Review B, Vol. 89, 144404, April 3, 2014. [PDF]

  63. N. Moisan, G. Malinowski, J. Mauchain, M. Hehn, B. Vodungbo, J. Lüning, S. Mangin, E.E. Fullerton, A. Thiaville, “Investigating the role of superdiffusive currents in laser induced demagnetization of ferromagnets with nanoscale magnetic domains”, Scientific Report, Vol. 4, April 11, 2014. [PDF]

  64. Edward Dechaumphai, Dylan Lu, Jimmy J. Kan, Jaeyun Moon, Eric Fullerton, Zhaowei Liu, Renkun Chen, “Ultralow Thermal Conductivity of Multilayers with Highly Dissimilar Debye Temperatures”, Nano Letters, April 14, 2014. [PDF]

  65. Gopman, Daniel B., Daniel Bedau, Stéphane Mangin, Eric E. Fullerton, Jordan A. Katine, and Andrew D. Kent. "Bimodal switching field distributions in all-perpendicular spin-valve nanopillars." Journal of Applied Physics 115, no. 17 (2014): 17C707. [PDF]

Refereed Conference Proceedings

  1. “Quantitative x-ray structure determination of superlattices and interfaces”, I. K. Schuller, E. E. Fullerton, H. Vanderstraeten, and Y. Bruynseraede, in Structure/Property Relationships for Metal/Metal Interfaces, Eds.: A. D. Romig, et al., MRS Symposia Proceedings, No. 229 (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 1991), pp. 41-52.
  2. “Effect of structure on the mechanical properties of metallic superlattices (invited)”, K. Schuller, A. Fartash, E.E. Fullerton, and M. Grimsditch, in Thin Films: Stresses and Mechanical Properties III, W. D. Nix, et al. eds., MRS Symposia Proceedings, No. 239, (December 1991), pp. 499-508.
  3. “Quantitative x-ray diffraction from superlattices (invited)”, E.E. Fullerton, I.K. Schuller, and Y. Bruynseraede, MRS Bulletin, Vol. 17, No.12, (December 1992), pp. 33-38.
  4. “Interfacial structure of lattice mismatched bcc(110)/bcc(110) transition metal superlattices”, E.E. Fullerton, S.M. Mini, A.S. Bommannavar, C.H. Sowers, S.N. Ehrlich, and S.D. Bader, in Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques to Materials Science, D.L. Perry, N. D. Shinn, R.L. Stockbauer, K.L. D'Amico, L.J. Terminello, eds., MRS Symposia Proceedings, No. 307, (April 1993), pp 131-137. [PDF]
  5. “Phenomenological explanation of the elastic anomalies in superlattices (invited)”, M. Grimsditch, E.E. Fullerton, and I.K. Schuller, in Thin Films: Stresses and Mechanical Properties IV, P. H. Townsend, T. P. Weihs, J.E. Sanchez Jr., and P. Børgesen, eds., MRS Symposia Proceedings, No. 308, (April 1993), pp 685-693. [PDF]
  6. “Photo- and thermal-induced antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling in Fe/(Fe-Si) superlattices”, J.E. Mattson, E.E. Fullerton, S. Kumar, S.R. Lee, C.H. Sowers, M. Grimsditch, S.D. Bader, and F.T. Parker, in New Trends in Magnetic Materials and their applications, J.L. Morán-López and J. M. Sanchez, eds., Plenum Press, New York, (August 1993), pp. 157-176. [PDF]
  7. “Modulation wavelength dependence of ion mixing in metallic superlattices”, D.E. Alexander, E.E. Fullerton, P.M. Baldo, C.H. Sowers, and L.E. Rehn, in Materials Synthesis and Processing Using Ion Beams, R. J. Culbertson, O. W. Holland, K. S. Jones, and K. Maex, eds., MRS Symposia Proceedings No. 316, (November 1993), pp 271-276. [PDF]
  8. “Characterization of interface structure in multilayers using specular x-ray reflectance” (invited), E.E. Fullerton, in Physics of X-ray Multilayer Structures, 1994 Technical Digest Series, Vol. 6, (March 1994). pp. 48-51. [PDF]
  9. “Magnetic and structural properties of Fe/Pd multilayers studied by magnetic x-ray dichroism and x-ray absorption spectroscopy”, S.M. Mini, E.E. Fullerton, A. Fontaine, C.H. Sowers, A.S. Bommannavar, A. Traverse, F. Baudelet, and S. Pizzini, in Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques to Materials Science II, L.J. Terminello et al. eds., MRS Symposia Proceedings, No. 375 (November 1994), pp 87-93. [PDF]
  10. “Magnetic phase transitions in epitaxial Fe/Cr superlattices” (invited), E.E. Fullerton, K.T. Riggs, C.H. Sowers, S.D. Bader, and A. Berger, in Magnetic Ultrathin Films, Multilayers and Surfaces, A. Fert, H. Fujimori, G. Guntherodt, B. Heinrich, W. F. Egelhoff, Jr., E.E. Marinero, and R.L. White, eds., MRS Symposia Proceedings No. 384, (April 1995), pp 145-156. [PDF]
  11. “Structure and magnetism of epitaxial rare-earth-transition-metal films” (invited), E.E. Fullerton, C.H. Sowers, J.P. Pearson, X.Z. Wu, D. Lederman, and S.D. Bader, in Magnetic Hysteresis in Novel Magnetic Materials, G.C. Hadjipanayis, ed., Kluwer Academic Press, Netherlands, (July 1996), pp. 467-478. [PDF]
  12. “Antiferromagnetically coupled magnetic medium structure extends areal density for hard disk drives”, D.T. Margulies, E.E. Fullerton, M. Schabes, H. Do, E. Grochowski, M. Carey, B. Gurney, A. Moser, M. Best, K. Rubin, H. Rosen, M. Doerner, M. Mirzamaani, and K. Tang, Datatech, Seventh Edition, (2001), pp. 9-16.
  13. “Reduction of the critical current for spin-transfer switching of perpendicularly magnetized nanomagnets,” S. Mangin, Y. Henry, J. Cucchiara, D. Ravélosona, J. Katine, and E.E. Fullerton, IEEE INTERMAG Conference, Sacramento, CA, (May 2009), CT-10.
  14. “Domain wall induced telegraph noise switching driven by spin transfer in nanopillars with perpendicular anisotropy,” J. Cucchiara, Y. Henry, D. Ravelosona, D. Lacour, E.E. Fullerton, J.A. Katine, and S. Mangin, IEEE INTERMAG Conference, Sacramento, CA, (May 2009), FD-05.
  15. “Switching probability in all-perpendicular spin valves,”D. Bedau, H. Liu, M. Klein, J.Z. Sun, J.A. Katine, E.E. Fullerton, S. Mangin, and A.D. Kent, Device Research Conference, South Bend, IN, (June 2010), pp. 35-36.
  16. “Investigation of carbonless overcoats,” M. Gauvin, E.E. Fullerton, and F.E. Talke, ASME Information Storage and Processing Systems Conference, Santa Clara, CA, (June 14-15, 2010).
  17. "Interfacial Magnetic Response of PbZr $ _ {0.2} $ Ti $ _ {0.8} $ O $ _ {3} $/La $ _ {0.67} $ Sr $ _ {0.33} $ MnO $ _ {3} $ Heterostructures." S-W. Chen, H.Guo, K. Dumesnil, V. Lauter, C. Sanchez-Hanke, E. Fohtung, M. Marsh, O. Shpyrko, E. Fullerton, and S. Sinha. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting, Maryland, 58, March, 2013.



  1. Magnetic Recording Media with Antiferromagnetically Coupled Ferromagnetic Films as the Recording Layer, United States Patent No. 6,280,813, M.J. Carey, E.E. Fullerton, B. A. Gurney, H.J. Rosen, and M.E. Schabes, (August 28, 2001).


  1. Laminated Magnetic Recording Media with Antiferromagnetically Coupled Layers as the Individual Magnetic Layers in the Laminate, United States Patent No. 6,372,330, H.V. Do, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, and H.J. Rosen, (April 16, 2002).
  2. Magnetic Recording Media with Magnetic Bit Regions Patterned by Ion Irradiation, United States Patent No. 6,383,597, E.E. Fullerton and D.K. Weller, (May 7, 2002).
  3. Patterned Magnetic Recording Media with Regions Rendered Nonmagnetic by Ion Irradiation, United States Patent No. 6,383,598, E.E. Fullerton and D.K. Weller, (May 7, 2002).
  4. Magnetic Recording Media with Antiferromagnetically Coupled Host Layer for the Magnetic Recording Layer, United States Patent No. 6,383,668, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, E.E. Marinero, and M.E. Schabes, (May 7, 2002<).
  5. Patterned Magnetic Recording Media with Discrete Magnetic Regions Separated by Regions of Antiferromagnetically Coupled Films, United States Patent No. 6,391,430, E.E. Fullerton, B.D. Terris, and D.K. Weller, (May 21, 2002).
  6. Magnetic Media with Ferromagnetic Overlay Materials for Improved Thermal Stability, United States Patent No. 6,440,589, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, E.E. Marinero, and M.E. Schabes, (August 27, 2002).


  1. Antiferromagnetically Coupled Magnetic Recording Media with Boron-Free First Ferromagnetic Film as Nucleation Layer, United States Patent No. 6,537,684, M.F. Doerner, E.E. Fullerton, and D.T. Margulies, (March 25, 2003).
  2. Antiferromagnetically Coupled Thin Films for Magnetic Recording, United States Patent No. 6,567,236, M.F. Doerner, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, and K. Tang, (May 20, 2003).
  3. Method for Recording Magnetic Transitions on Recording Layer Having Antiferromagnetically Coupled Ferromagnetic Films, United States Patent No. 6,594,100, M.J. Carey, E.E. Fullerton, B.A. Gurney, H.J. Rosen, and M.E. Schabes, (July 15, 2003).
  4. Magnetic Device with Ferromagnetic Layer Contacting Specified Yttrium or Rare Earth Element Oxide Antiferromagnetic Layer, United States Patent No.6,631,057, R. Allenspach, J. Fompeyrine, E. Fullerton, J.P. Locquet, T. Moran, and M. Seo, (October 7, 2003).
  5. Magnetic Devices with a Ferromagnetic Layer Having Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy and an Antiferromagnetic Layer for Perpendicularly Exchange Biasing the Ferromagnetic Layer, United States Patent No. 6,650,513, E.E. Fullerton, S. Maat, S.S.P. Parkin, and K. Takano, (November 18, 2003).


  1. Magnetic Recording Medium with Antiparallel Coupled Ferromagnetic Films as the Recording Layer, United States Patent No. 6,723,450, H.V. Do, M.F. Doerner, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, W.G. McChesney, M.E. Schabes, and K. Tang, (April 20, 2004).
  2. Laminated Magnetic Recording Media with Antiferromagnetically Coupled Layer as one of the Individual Magnetic Layers in the Laminate, United States Patent No. 6,773,834, H.V. Do, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, and H.J. Rosen, (August 10, 2004).
  3. Method for Thermally-Assisted Recording on a Magnetic Recording Disk, United States Patent No. 6,834,026, E.E. Fullerton, S. Maat, and J-U. Thiele, (December 21, 2004)
  4. Antiferromagnetically Coupled Magnetic Recording Media with CoCrFe Alloy First Ferromagnetic Film, United States Patent No. 6,835,476, H.V. Do, M.F. Doerner, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, and N.F. Supper, (December 28, 2004).
  5. Stability-Enhancing Underlayer for Exchange-Coupled Magnetic Structures, Magnetoresistive Sensors, and Magnetic Disk Drive Systems, United States Patent No. 6,836,392, M.J. Carey, E.E. Fullerton, B.A. Gurney, T. Le, S. Maat, and P.M. Rice, (December 28, 2004).


  1. Magnetic Device with Improved Antiferromagnetically Coupling Film, United States Patent No. 6,893,741, M.F. Doerner and E.E. Fullerton, (May 17, 2005).


  1. Exchange-Coupled Magnetoresistive Sensor with a Coercive Ferrite Layer and an Oxide Underlayer Having a Spinal Lattice Structure, United States Patent No. 6,992,866, M.J. Carey, E.E. Fullerton, B.A. Gurney, T. Le, S. Maat, and P.M. Rice, (January 31, 2006).
  2. Magnetic Recording Disk with Antiferromagnetically-Coupled Magnetic Layer Having Multiple Ferromagnetically-Coupled Lower Layers, United States Patent No. 7,081,309, H.V. Do, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, and A. Moser, (July 25, 2006).
  3. Stability-Enhancing Underlayer for Exchange-Coupled Magnetic Structures, Magnetoresistive Sensors, and Magnetic Disk Drive Systems, United States Patent No. 7,116,532, M.J. Carey, E.E. Fullerton, B.A. Gurney, T. Le, S. Maat, and P.M. Rice, (October 3, 2006).
  4. Magnetic Recording Disk with Antiferromagnetically-Coupled Magnetic Layer Having Multiple Lower Layers, United States Patent No. 7,125,616, H.V. Do, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, and A. Moser, (October 24, 2006).


  1. Method for Manufacturing a Magnetic Read Sensor Employing Oblique Etched Underlayers for Inducing Uniaxial Magnetic Anisotropy in a Hard Magnetic In-Stack Bias Layer, United States Patent No. 7,360,299, M.J. Carey, J.R. Childress, E.E. Fullerton, and S. Maat, (April 22, 2008).
  2. Method for Manufacturing a Magnetic Read Sensor Employing Oblique Etched Underlayers for Inducing Uniaxial Magnetic Anisotropy in a Hard Magnetic Pinning Layer, United States Patent No. 7,360,300, M.J. Carey, J.R. Childress, E.E. Fullerton, and S. Maat, (April 22, 2008).
  3. Method for Manufacturing a Magnetic Read Sensor Employing Oblique Etched Underlayers for Inducing Uniaxial Magnetic Anisotropy in Hard Magnetic Bias Layers, United States Patent No. 7,363,699, M.J. Carey, J.R. Childress, E.E. Fullerton, and S. Maat, (April 29, 2008).
  4. Heat Assisted Switching in an MRAM Cell Utilizing the Antiferromagnetic to Ferromagnetic Transition in FeRh, United States Patent No. 7,372,116, E.E. Fullerton, S. Maat, and J-U. Thiele, (May 13, 2008).
  5. MR Sensor and Thin Film Media Having Alloyed Ru Antiparallel Spacer Layer for Enhanced Antiparallel Exchange Coupling, United States Patent No. 7,382,590, M.F. Doerner, E.E. Fullerton, W-Y. Lee, J. Li, and B.R. York, (June 3, 2008).
  6. Incoherently-Reversing Magnetic Laminate with Exchange Coupled Ferromagnetic Layers, United States Patent No. 7,425,377, E.E. Fullerton, H.V. Do, D.T. Margulies, and N. Supper, (September 16, 2008).
  7. Magnetic Read Sensor Employing Oblique Etched Underlayers for Inducing Uniaxial Magnetic Anisotropy in Hard Magnetic Bias Layers, United States Patent No. 7,457,085, M.J. Carey, J.R. Childress, E.E. Fullerton, and S. Maat, (November 25, 2008.
  8. Magnetic Read Sensor Employing Oblique Etched Underlayers for Inducing Uniaxial Magnetic Anisotropy in a Hard Magnetic in-Stack Bias Layer, United States Patent No. 7,460,343, M.J. Carey, J.R. Childress, E.E. Fullerton, and S. Maat, (December 2, 2008).


  1. Method and Apparatus for Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Longitudinal Recording Media, United States Patent No. 7,479,332, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, N. Supper, and H.V. Do, (January 20, 2009).
  2. Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Medium with Laminated Recording Layers Formed of Exchange-Coupled Ferromagnetic Layers, United States Patent No. 7,488,545, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, H.J. Rosen, and N.F. Supper, (February 10, 2009).
  3. Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Medium with Metamagnetic Antiferromagnetically-Coupled Layer Between the Soft Underlayer and Recording Layer, United States Patent No. 7,514,162, A.K. Berger, E.E. Fullerton, and O. Hellwig, (April 7, 2009).
  4. Laminated Magnetic Thin Films with Weak Antiferromagnetic Coupling for Perpendicular Magnetic Recording, United States Patent No. 7,529,065, E.E. Fullerton, O. Hellwig, B.H. Lengsfield III, and D.T. Margulies, (May 5, 2009).
  5. Patterned Magnetic Recording Media with Discrete Magnetic Regions Separated by Regions of Antiferromagnetically Coupled Films, United States Patent No. RE40,726, E.E. Fullerton, B.D. Terris, and D.K. Weller, (June 9, 2009).
  6. Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Medium with Multiple Exchange-Coupled Magnetic Layers Having Substantially Similar Anisotropy Fields, United States Patent No. 7,550,210, A.K. Berger, H.V. Do, E.E. Fullerton, Y. Ikeda, and B. Lengsfield, III, (June 23, 2009).
  7. Antiferromagnetically Coupled Media for Magnetic Recording with Weak Coupling Layer, United States Patent No. 7,556,870, H.V. Do, E.E. Fullerton, D.T. Margulies, and N.F. Supper, (July 7, 2009).
  8. Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Medium with Exchange-Spring Structure Having Multiple Exchange-Spring Layers and Recording System for the Medium, United States Patent No. 7,572,526, A.K. Berger, E.E. Fullerton, and B.H. Lengsfield, III, ( August 11, 2009).
  9. Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Medium with Improved Antiferromagnetically-Coupled Recording Layer, United States Patent No. 7,572,527, E.E. Fullerton, B.H. Lengsfield III, and D.T. Margulies, (August 11, 2009).
  10. Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Exchange-Spring Type Medium with a Lateral Coupling Layer for Increasing Intergranular Exchange Coupling in the Lower Magnetic Layer, United States Patent No. 7,588,841, A.K. Berger, E.E. Fullerton, B.H. Lengsfield III, and D.T. Margulies, (September 15, 2009).
  11. Memory Array Having Memory Cells Formed from Metallic Material, United States Patent No. 7,615,771, R.E. Fontana, E.E. Fullerton, S. Maat, J-U. Thiele, (November 10, 2009).

Postdoctoral Researchers

Name: Mohammed Salah El Hadri
Phone: (858) 534-8059
Office: CMRR Room 103

Name: Dokyun Kim
Fax: (858) 534-8059
Office: CMRR Room 103

Name: Roopali Kukreja
Phone: (858) 534-5853
Fax: (858) 534-8059
Office: CMRR Room 209

Name: Rajasekhar Medapalli
Fax: (858) 534-8059
Office: CMRR Room 103

Name: Conrad Rizal
Phone: (858) 534-6788
Fax: (858) 534-8059
Office: CMRR Room 104

Name: Vojtech Uhlir
Phone: (858) 534-7532
Fax: (858) 534-2720
Office: CMRR Room 210

Visiting Students

Student Name: Yassine Quessab

Graduate Students

Student Name: Richard Choi
Phone: (858) 534-6214
Fax: (858) 534-2720
Office: CMRR Room 104

Student Name:Tyler Hennen
Office: CMRR Room 107

Student Name: Sohini Manna
Phone: (858) 534-5853
Fax: (858) 534-2720
Office: CMRR Room 209

Student Name: Sergio Montoya
Office: CMRR 103

Student Name: Sheena Patel
Phone: (858) 534-5853
Fax: (858) 534-8059
Office: CMRR Room 209

Student Name: Jonathan Sapan
Phone: (858) 534-7532
Fax: (858) 534-2720
Office: CMRR Room 209

Student Name: Robert Tolley
Phone: (858) 534-0023
Fax: (858) 534-8059
Office: CMRR 107


Student Name: William Huang

Student Name: Alex Vaschenko
Office: CMRR Room 107


Student Name: Keith Chan
Dissertation: Nanostructured Magnetic Materials
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: April 2011

Student Name: Erik Shipton
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2011

Student Name: Jimmy Kan
Dissertation: Engineering of Metallic Multilayers and Spin Transfer Torque Devices
Degree: Ph.D.
Year: 2013

Past Postdoctoral Researchers

Name: Matthias Gottwald
Date: 2011 - 2013

Name: Ioan Tudosa
Date: August 2007 - 2009

Past Visiting Scholars

Aletta Prinsloo

Young Keun Kim

Aletta Roletta Prinsloo

Michal Urbanek

Dafine Ravelosa

Stephane Mangin

Charles Johannes Sheppard

Erik Shipton

Daniel Steil

Laurent chaput

Sylvain Le Gall

Yukiko Takahashi

Past Visiting Students

Guido Hendriks

Charles-Henri Lambert

Romain Lebrun

Nhu Phuon (Alain) Truong

Majd Kuteifan

Jon Ander Arregi

Mohammed El Hadri

Ute Bierbauer

Mathieu Mirjolet

Charlotte Constans

Spring Quarter 2012 Winter Quarter 2012
  • ECE 200 - Research Conference
  • ECE 299 - Research
Fall Quarter 2011 Fall Quarter 2010
  • ECE 146 - Introduction to Magnetic Recording
Spring Quarter 2010 Fall Quarter 2009
  • ECE 146 - Introduction to Magnetic Recording
Spring Quarter 2009 Winter Quarter 2009
  • MATS 251B- Magnetic Materials:Princp & Applications
  • MAE 265B - Magnetic Materials:Princp & Applications
  • ECE 287 - Topc/Communication Theory/Syst
Fall Quarter 2008
  • ECE 146 - Introduction to Magnetic Recording
Spring Quarter 2008 Winter Quarter 2008
  • ECE 287A - Topc/Communication Theory/Syst
Fall Quarter 2007
  • ECE 146 - Introduction to Magnetic Recording